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level 6 rooms Sraa Keep


Sraa Keep level 6-1, Trillolara

Room 101) 20’ × 40’ × 20’ Cistern Room

hand operated windlass to raise and lower bucket. 10’ diameter opening.
The water level has dropped over the years. This is one of the ways
to get to level 9. There are metal rungs in the wall of the cistern.
They start 5’ below the top of the cistern and go down to the ceiling of
level 9. There are no stairs to level 9.

Room 102) 20’ × 50’ × 20’ water storage room

6 vats: 12’ high x 8’ diameter. 603 cubic feet each.
Spigot on each vat. Vats are on 2’ diameter legs.

vat 1-5 contain water. vat 6: has an Ochre Jelly in it.

Room 103) 20’ × 30’ × 15’ wine storeroom

15 casks: 4’ diameter, 6’ high ( 75 cubic feet)

vat 1: potent wine. Sleep 1d4 turns if drink more than 1 sip
vat 2-8: normal wine
vat 9: empty of wine, 500 gp and two 500 gp gems inside
vat 10-15: empty

Room 104) 60’ × 70’ × 15’ Dining hall ( 63,000 cubic feet)

2 tables: 6’ × 20’ × 4’ high, 2 benches
1 tables: 6’ × 20’ × 5’ high, 2 benches
2 tables: 6’ × 16’ × 4’ high, 1 bench

basin SE corner 6’ diameter. bottom 2’ of walls are rough hewn
walls detect as magical. Nothing there.

Room 105) 40’ × 50’ × 15’ Tribunal Court Room

NW corner: 2 benches 4’ × 10’ × 2’ high for audience
North center: witness stand, 4’ × 4’ railing 2’ wide x 5’ high.
East center of wall: Tribunal table and 3 chairs: 4’ × 12’ × 4’ high.
Strazl’s stone throne: dias. 8’ × 8’ × 1’ high. Throne: 4’ × 4’ stone block
with stone back rest.

West Secret door: all 3 pressure plates ( 1’ × 1’ × 5’ up from floor, 3’ apart)
behind tribunal’s chairs must be pushed at the same time to open door.
Door then swings outward.

Room 106) 30’ × 30’ × 15’ Storeroom

24 barrels: 4’ diameter x 6’ high. All sealed.
barrel 1: 40 pp in a pouch
barrel 2: rancid bacon
barrel 3: stale mouldy bread
barrel 4-10: stale wheat flour
barrel 11-16: dried fruits in good shape: apples, peaches, apricots
barrel 17: 50 gp under 1’ layer of dried apples in good shape
barrel 18-20: mouldy oats
barrel 21: 750 sp
barrel 22: small amount of water and 5 Killer Frogs
barrel 23-24: empty

Room 107) 20’ × 30’ × 15’ Cooks’ Quarters

3 beds: 4’ × 9’ × 3’ high

3 clothes closets: 2’ × 6’ × 6’ high, rotted clothing small chest: rotted nice clothes covering 25 gp table and 3 chairs.

Room 108) 40’ × 30’ × 15’ Assistant cooks’ quarters

10 bunks: 4’ × 6’ × 3’: clothes racks

Room 109) 50’ × 30’ × 20’ Storage

clothes and items belonging to Strazl’s victims

5 chests: 4’ × 6’ × 2’ high, locked chest 1: rings, bracelets, worth about 1d6 cp each chest 2-3: 200 cp, 75 ep, 10 sp, 2 gp each chest chest 4-5: small wood and cloth items several piles of rotted clothing

Room 110) 70’ × 20’ × 20’ Storage

piles of metal ladles, kettles, wood trenchers, wooden spoons,
wooden forks.

Southwest corner: 3 statues. If any object or persons touch them, they become alive. 3 Owlbears East secret door: touch by elf, gnome, or half-elf opens it.
West secret door: touch by elf or half-elf opens it.

Room 111) 20’ × 10’ × 10’

part of passageway leading to tribunal room.

Statues in each room are not blocking secret doors, some are facing the wall. When 3 characters enter these rooms, the statues become real monsters. 1 su-monster

Room 112) 10’ × 20’ see room 111

pedistal rotates to face the characters.

West secret door: push
South secret door: Kill monster or any non-human touch 1 Owlbear

Room 113) 50’ × 30’ spices storeroom

28 barrels: 4’ diameter x 8’ high

items are fresh
      barrel 1: acorns                  barrel 19-23: beets
      barrel 2-4 rapsberries            barrel 24: Mummy ( undead)
      barrel 5: water chestnuts         barrel 25: corn
      barrel 6: sage                    barrel 26: onions
      barrel 7: ginger                  barrel 27: carrots
      barrel 8-14: unpitted olives      barrel 28: 1,000 gp; 75 pp
      barrel 15-18: rice                   ( recent Trillolaran coins)
Table: 4’ × 6’ × 3’ empty

Room 114) 40’ × 60’ × 20’ Kitchen

Basin east wall, detect as magic 6’ × 3’ × 3’

all tables have rusty kitchen utensils on them like forks, graters, and knives. Some rotted food. North wall: 2 tables: 4’ × 10’ × 4’
South wall: 3 tables: 4’ × 10’ × 4’
West wall: 1 table: 4’ × 10’ × 5’ Fire pit: 4’ × 6’ × 4’, attached table: 16’ × 10’ × 4’ ashes in fire pit table center of room: 10’ × 10’ × 4’

Room 115) 10’ × 30’ × 15’ see room 111

East secret door: push down

South secret door: kill monster, Dispel Magic, or Magic Missle door 1 fighter ( CE) F 7. Shield +1, Splint mail +3, Long sword +4
Will disappear after being killed

Room 116) 10’ × 10’ × 10’ trap

the 3 skeletons armed with swords appear to be dead beings manacled to the wall. ( The swords are hidden from view.)

They will attack if the party enters the room. Scroll in bone tube: “Remember the words of the many thieves of eastern fame,
and you can claim your just reward,
but be careless or careful,
I’ll kill thee by the sword. There is a right place and a wrong,
but either way you will die
when you see me face to face.”

Thats the clue for ‘Open Sesame !’ spoken by Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. I saw that in a Popeye cartoon years ago. If the characters speak it near the stairs outside of room 101, the stairs will split vertically and move into the corridor walls blocking this way out. A passageway then opens to Level 6 – 2.

Room 117) 10’ x 10’ × 10’ cell empty

rotted straw and rusty manacles

Room 118) 10’ × 20’ × 15’ see room 111

East secret door: push right on a 1-3 on a d6
South secret door: Kill monster or non-human touch

1 Troll

Room 119) 10’ × 10’ × 12’

West secret door: push on 1-2 on a d6
South secret door: half-elf or elf push up, Ranger push up.

Chest: 2’ × 4’ × 2’
Scroll tube: 2 Cure Serious Wounds
50 pp; Potion brown bottle and liquid is brown in color: Fire Resistance

Room 120) 10’ × 10’ × 10’ empty cell, dusty, rusted manacles

Room 121) 20’ × 10’ × 15’ see room 111

North secret door: push on a 1-2 on d6

South secret door: Kill monster or any female touch 2 Minotaurs

Room 122) 10’ × 10’ × 1’ Cell, empty, dusty

Room 123) 10’ × 10’ × 10’

North secret door: only a woman’s touch can open: push

South secret door: only a woman can find: open with push

Room 124) 20’ × 10’ × 15’ see room 111

North secret door: any human touch or Dispel Magic or Knock

South secret door: push 1-4 on d6 Housewife carrying a baby in her arms
Stays a statue when activated, but will draw a knife and advance on the group. If the group attacks, they disintegrate and the attackers take -10 Charisma ( perm) If anyone tries to help her, she and the baby become flesh. Party members receive +1 Intelligence and +1 Charisma ( perm). She knows nothing of this keep.

Room 125) 10’ × 10’ × 8’ Toilet

hole in floor, smells like it was used recently.

Room 126) 20’ × 16’ × 20’ Fines Treasury

chests are locked

Chest 1: 5,000 ep; three 50 gp gems Chest 2: 750 gp; one 2,000 gp jewelry Chest 3: 5,000 cp; Sling of Seeking +2 2 giant scorpions To find the rest of the dungeon, in addition to the 1. ‘Open Sesame’ mentioned earlier, 2. characters say something to the affect “I wonder if there is any more to this dungeon ?” within 30 feet of the correct stairs. 3. If the housewife is with them. This makes the housewife a liability for the characters as she is unskilled in combat. And will refuse to join them in combat. They either have to find a way to get the stairs to close so they can take her to Fondfield, or defend her for the rest of the adventure, get her to go down the cistern, etc. A difficult task.

Level 6 – 2

Sraa Keep level 6-2, Trillolara

Room 128) 10’ × 50’ × 15’

dusty floor, small footprints lead down the corridor to this room
and to the stone block west end.

obviously moved/ajar stone (granite) block: 2’ × 2’ × 2’ ( weighs 13,600 gp wt) thief will be unable to find the springs on the lid of stone box If 2 or more characters try to move stone block:
the spring loaded lid will fly back.
if any are behind lid, it will hit for 3d4 hp. 4 darts will hit any who lift the stone box. 2d4 hp per dart contains: 5 sp of triangular shape. Isle of Jester coins.
worth 2 pp each. Any Trillolaran Money changer will inform
the Town/City guard after the characters leave the money
change shop unless a King’s Henchmen is with the group.
( Unknown to the players, until much later, some of the NPCs
they hired were Henchmen of the King. Watch on the New Adventurers,
so to speak. )

Room 129) 20’ × 20’ × 20’

stone block, resembling a door, on west wall
slightly ajar. 4’ × 6’ high
wont open.

After 10 minutes will close all of the way and exit from room will disappear. The room feels as if it is moving downwards; however, it is just vibrating. The south passage disappears and the exit reopens after 5 minutes. a Detect Illusion will find the south passage.

Room 130) 10’ × 16’ × 10’ Ogre’s Treasure Room

what is small to an Ogre, is obvious to smaller creatures:

Stone club blocking the closing of the door. Strazl is allowing the Ogres to relax here on their way to the Mountains of Death. Chest: 2’ × 3’ × 2’
240 gp and an amber necklace held together by an unknown wire/metal type. All but an Other Merchant will give 1,000 gp for it. An Other Merchant will give 10,000 gp for it. This is actually a Necklace of Adaptation with the ability to prevent paralyzation by any undead. It was made by an Other years ago.

Room 131) 20’ × 20’ × 20’ Ogre’s resting area

5 Ogres

one is always on watch. The walls glow a light green from the lichen. They have huge stone clubs, 1d10 + 1 hp, requires at least Ogre strength to use. Their money is in room 130. Secret door: 1-19 in 20 to find. Push open 1-6 in 6.

Room 132) 30’ × 60’ × 20’ Statue Room Statue is 15’ high. Small wall on three sides: 2’ thick x 3’ high.

a flame pit at the ends of the U-shape wall. Flames rise 7’ from the flame pits.
While the statue is vaguely reptillian in shape, it has no discernable features to determine what kind of reptile. The inscription on the floor, near the flame pits, says, “yes or no”.

This means that the statue will answer 5 questions per day that can be answered by a yes or a no. 80 percent chance the answer is correct. The statue’s eyes open when it answers.

Room 133) bizzare special room

When entered from the southwest door, the room will be seen as a triangular
space as long as the group is looking North.

If they turn around, it looks rectangular 90’ × 90’ × 20’ If they enter by room 133 by room 163, it looks rectangular looking south.
and looks triangular if they look North. Sign on ‘east’ wall: ( disappears after being read. ) “Go in circles and your treasure and souls are mine,
Stick to the straight and narrow and my treasure is thine.”

Room 134) 30’ × 20’ × 20’ – 10’ × 30’ × 10’ dusty

no prints in the dust nor sign the dust has been disturbed

2 subterranean lizards chest: 3’ × 4’ × 2’ rotted, characters can see the coins inside
bones on floor in front of chest
ten 500 gp gems ( peridots: transparent rich olive green)
1,000 ep

Room 163) double L-shaped room 10’ x q16’ × 10’ - 50’ × 6’ × 10’ – 6’ × 38’ × 10’

West secret door: 1 in 6 to find. Push 1-5 in 6.

East door: pull ring

Level 6 – 3

Sraa Keep level 6-3, Trillolara

Room 135) 20’ × 40’ × 20’ Room of the Faceless Nude and the Bodiless face

2 Minotaur guards

East wall: a painting of a beautiful woman, the face is extremely distorted to seemingly show the evil and cruelty inside, covers the entire wall. The painting stops before it reaches the hairline, ears, or the neck. No eyebrows. North wall: painting of a reclining female figure draped in a silk garment with the
midriff exposed. The face is missing starting at the front of the ears,
past the hairline, past the neck; the navel has been painted sky blue,
her teeth are pearly white, and the fingernails are painted the color
of dried blood. She would be considered beautiful by any era. North secret door: press on the navel to open the secret door.

Room 136) 24’ – 45’ × 10’ -20’ × 20’ cave

rocks are stalagmites and stalagtites that have grown together.
( stalagtites are the ones on the ceiling.)
The room is very damp.

Water is dripping all over the room making walking difficult. 75 percent chance to fall per 5 minutes in the room. Chest: 1’ × 1’ × 1.5’
two 2,000 gp gems; 50 cp from Isle of Fools. Possession of these coins while
in Trillolara is a crime. fine of 5,000 gp or 1 year of servitude to the
local government. Any NPC over 5th level will recognize these coins
for what they are. Black market price is 10 pp each. 1 carrion crawler

Room 137) 30’ × 15’ × 20’ roughly oval

after the group is in the room for 2 turns

3 Minotaur guards will silently show up.

Room 138) 50’ 60’ × 15’ octagonal

on ceiling near west wall is a small bobbing light.

if left alone it is harmless: if attacked it becomes 3 Will-O-Wisps if they go below 5 hp, a 5’ × 5’ panel slides down on the wall.
then a tongue of stone shoots out 12’ ( has a rim like a low trough)
revealing the wisp’s treasure. However, they can use this as a weapon:
0’ – 10’ out from wall: 2d8 + 4 hp
10’ – 12’ out from wall: 1d8 + 4 hp Each group member has a 10 percent chance to step on one of the gems, unless they are careful were they walk. 2,000 cp; 1,000 gp; 3,000 pp; ten 500 gp gems; ten 100 gp gems

Room 139) 30’ × 30’ × 10’

block outside room will move to block passageway after party in room for 5 minutes.

Room 140) 20’ × 70’ × 10’ gas outside room

pale yellow gas blinds for 1d6 turns, SR vs. poison

1 roper in gizzard: 11 pp ; seven 500 gp gems ; seven 10 gp gems

Room 149) 40’ × 10’ × 10’

stairs south end lead to level 7B – 3 Giant Slug Migration Path

Room 206) 30’ × 20’ × 15’ Dancing Gargoyles Room

30 wingless gargoyles

are dancing to the Minuet. A Chamber Orchestra is heard and not seen. Any character stepping into the room without doing one of the following, is teleported to room 75. 1) singing to the music or trying to figure out
what it is: “what was the name of that tune”, etc. 2) humming to the music 3) asking if they are dressed according to the era of the music. When the groups enters this room, the gargoyles will freeze in position.
The large chest in the middle of the room will raise its lid.
A 4’ wide green path forms from the group to the chest. A sign forms on the inside of the chest: “Choose one and live,
take all,
and you will fall !” 1) very large sack: 2,000 ep
2) small sack: one 7,000 gp gem; one 10,000 gp gem
3) small sack: one 1,200 gp jewelry
4) medium sack: 500 cp
5) medium sack: 500 pp Nothing happens if they take all of the items in the chest. There could be a giant gong that rings. Then smile.

Categories South Hemisphere

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