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Lori's Adventurers Shop, Dwarfbas


“The Best for The Best !”

Lori is a female elf, and runs this with 2 elf guards.

alphabetized item/price list
Other items, use prices in the PHB.

Weapons and armor are marked with an ‘’*’‘ in the left-most column.

I forget where I got the info on some of these non-PHB weapons, probably from articles in Dragon or White Dwarf magazines. Its possible I got the info from one of the Judge’s Guild city-state modules.

artan:  5 gp [ for 5'' spears, weighs 50 gp wt., otherwise as atlatl.]
atlatl: 6 gp [ for 6'' to 7'' spears. 4.5'' long, weighs 70 gp wt. firing rate 1/round,
                   range: Short 1.5", Medium 2.5", Long 3.5"; space required 3'';
                   speed factor is 6; to hit AC 10 +1, 9 + 1, 8 + 1, 7 +1, 6 +0,
                   5 -1, 4 -1, 3 -2, 2 -2. ]
*chakrum: one is 80 gp [ for chaotic alignments only. 4-5 inches across; weighs 3 gp wt;
                         firing rate is 3/round; Range: Short: 1", Medium: 2", Long: 3"
                         space required is 3''; damage is Small 1d6, Man-sized 1d5, Large 1d4;
                         speed factor is 2; to hit AC 10 + 1, 9 + 0, 8 + 1, 7 +0, 6 -1,
                         5 -2, 4 -3, 3 -4, 2 -5.]
*crossbow strings same cost as long and short bow strings
*harpoon, 7'':  15 gp
*helmet, Dartan                                18 gp [ head gets AC 2 ]
       , Celtan [ nose guard, cheek pieces ]   12 gp [ head gets AC 3 ]
       , Bartan [ nose guard only ]            10 gp [ head gets AC 4 ]
       , Ertan  [ cap ]                              4 gp [ head gets AC 5 ]
*javelin, 5'  10 gp
handkerchief, 2'' x 2'': 6 cp
lantern, bull''s-eye  14 gp [ beam is 10'' x 80'' ]
       , hooded       6 gp [ light in a 30'' radius ]
pioneer kit 8 gp ( one 3/4 felling axe, 1 shovel, 1 pick, two 50'' x 5/16 inch rope )
                 [ note for climbing you will need a rope whose diameter is 7/16 inch,
                   5/16 inch rope can be used to raise and lower equipment or tie up
                   a small boat. ]
*sling, staff:  2 gp
socks, shoe, 1 pair: 3 cp
    , boot, 1 pair: 7 cp

Categories South Hemisphere

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