"Welcome to Crest of a Star; these maps and other graphics are only for playing D&D type games. They are copyright and not to be used for other purposes. If you have them on your site, please remove them. Thank you."

"My maps are free. If you purchased them, you got scammed."
"Not for redistribution or resale. Hyperlinking from Pinterest or other such share sites is prohibited."

Symbols and templates entrance page


Roulette wheel symbol has both FCW and FSC files

version 6 of CC2arrowheads zip file. Click here to download. vari-color symbols, 5 mile, 10 mile, and 20 mile length.

slot machines, 4 symbols. 3 vari-color. Both FCW and FSC files included.

ponds 14 symbols, 7 of them vari-symbols. I have used them in a CC3 city, and they worked fine.

The pool tables, slot machines, and the drive-in movie theaters are modern.

I have deleted the templates I had here for my old overland maps due me no longer using them.

Categories Generic, Symbols

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[ Copyright © by Jim, 1980-2050. All Rights Reserved. ]

[ Except where noted, and where copyrights are held by others. ]