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Tooshla, Gashtra followers of the Ice Goddess religion


Some Links

part 1 of Tooshla map

The Ice Goddess religion is Chaotic Neutral.

Most of the buildings are along Tol-Ok Road which starts at: 01-I03 and goes westward to 01-S01 and then curves Northward down to Central Boulevard, continuing down to 01-R14 where it ends.

The Altar is on Busy Road.

01-I02-1 Acolyte home. Ice Goddess religion.

3-4 Acolytes live here.

01-I03-1 Acolyte home. Ice Goddess religion.

2-4 Acolytes live here.

01-J02-1 Ice Goddess Priestess Home.

1 Ice Goddess Priestess and her helpers ( not Acolytes). Priestess Jolara Strength 17, Wisdom 16 Green hair, blue eyes, human Cleric 12th level.

01-J03-1 Ice Goddess Priestess Home.

1 Ice Goddess Priestess and her helpers ( not Acolytes). Priestess Arshara Strength 14, Wisdom 12 Gray-blond hair, green eyes, half-elf. Cleric 10th level.

01-K01-1 Ice Goddess Priestess Home.

1 Ice Goddess Priestess and her helpers ( not Acolytes). Priestess Golara Strength 15, Wisdom 17 Brown hair, green eyes, human Cleric 7th level

01-K02-1 Ice Goddess Priestess Home.

1 Ice Goddess Priestess and her helpers ( not Acolytes, probably slaves). Priestess Zharkana Strength 16, Wisdom 9 Brown hair, brown eyes, half-elf Cleric 5th level

01-K03-1 Acolyte home. Ice Goddess religion.

2-4 Acolytes live here.

01-K04-1 Acolyte home. Ice Goddess religion.

2-4 Acolytes live here.

01-L01-1 Acolyte home. Ice Goddess religion.

2-4 Acolytes live here.

01-L01-2 Slave home. Ice Goddess religion.

Slaves live here. More indentured servants; however, they cannot leave unless the Head Priestess says they can. Doesn’t matter if they pay off the debts they owe to the Ice Goddess or not.

01-L02-1 spare Priestess home. Ice Goddess religion.

2-4 Acolytes live here to make sure non-members don’t move in.

Categories South Hemisphere

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