My AD&D 1e website - The land called 'Shore' maps, scenarios, and cities, etc.,2005:41b9e06e4775041fe9f5e0b879357f08/the-land-called-shore Textpattern 2024-03-28T17:27:24+00:00 Bill George Bill George 2015-02-02T18:00:01+00:00 2024-03-16T17:29:39+00:00 The Land Called 'Shore',2014-05-21:41b9e06e4775041fe9f5e0b879357f08/90ec514ff025317c390e0505eb41e8fb A small nation next to Splash Lake. The capital is Gronash.

They know about Trono, but trade is difficult due to the land attacks from orcs and bugbears.

Two small forests, a small wooded area. The rest of this small nation has trees here and there, but nothing to make it easy for attackers to hide behind.

Few thieves live here. Most have been killed off when a small number were found to be working with Orcs to harm people here. The Shorelans decided to not take any more chances and dealt a death blow to anyone with thief skills.

The few remaining thieves are part of the local army, and must carry documents proving this with them at all times.
