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"My maps are free. If you purchased them, you got scammed."
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This is now Part 01 of the City cave. Part 02 is a work in progress.

A preliminary map of the City Cave. This Isometric map is 1200 pixels wide. To see more detail in the map, I will zoom in on various parts of it later on. Each map square is 10’ × 10’. Room walls are 15’ high. Some have roofs, some don’t. The cave is 30’ to 40’ high walls. Center of the cave is 50’ high across most of the area.

Zoomed in maps first, then the overall map.

Entrance to City Cave at top of map. Castle and two room areas. The two rooms that have common corners also share a secret door.

Two rooms to the right of the entrance and a small temple ruins out on a square island.

Food farm of mushrooms, the greenish waters look and smell toxic, the bridges and stone doorways could be traps.

Zoomed into a small building on the south end of the greenish waters.

The doorway to the upper right is in the wall to the castle to the left of the entrance to this cave.

This map has been changed fomr 1200 pixels wide to 2000 pixels wide so you can see the detail easier.

Categories arcology


Broady’s Inn and Board
( sort of like a room and board place.)

Common room, 1 cp per night, floor space

Dorm room, 1 gold piece per night, blanket and breakfast.

No private rooms. Common room is where everyone is fed. Sleepers here are awakened when ever the cook gets to the kitchen.

No menus. Meals are for residents, over night sleepers, only.

Basic meals: bacon and eggs for breakfast, 2 gold for anyone not sleeping in the Dorm room.

Mid-day meal: sliced beef and bread. wirh locally made cheese, 1 gp
without cheese 8 sp

Evening meal: corn soup and crackers, followed by chicken or goat, half loaf of bread 3 gp

Dinks extra:

diluted beer 3 cp
beer 1 sp
cheap wine 2 sp

Categories North Hemisphere


Alright, I attached the zip file that has the fcw in it. I also attached two jpg’s, showing the two views the map produces, using the sheets.

Obviously the floorplan one is probably more like what is of interest, but the overview shows the actual symbol that was used.

Have fun,
Brian Ransom

Brian Ramson's map overview

version 6 of CC2Tana’s Place zip file. Click here to download. 796 Kilobytes

[ Copyright &copy by Brian Ransom, 2002-2050. All Rights Reserved. ]

[ Except where noted, and where copyrights are held by others. ]

Categories hosting for other people

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[ Copyright © by Jim, 1980-2050. All Rights Reserved. ]

[ Except where noted, and where copyrights are held by others. ]