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I say, bah. scuttle this whole idea. Dual/Multi classing everything isn’t the answer. The solution is to come up with a new class, perhaps a composite of 2-3, and go from there.

So I’m suggesting, The Forester.

Race allowed:
Human—unlimited levels,
Elf—level limit 10th,
Half-elf—level limit 12th,
Half-dwarf( :wink2: )—5th(if even allowed!),
Halfling—level limit 7th,
Gnome—level limit 8th,
Half-orc—level limit 9th.

Alignment: Neutral, with either good or evil tendencies. (No LN, CN)

Requisites: Str 15, Int 13, Wis 14, Dex 15, Con 16, Charisma —

Level advancement table: use the Paladin.

Character is a subclass of Fighter, but trains/studies with druids and rangers.

Thus, gains 3/2 attacks at L7, 2/1 attacks at L13

Uses/Gains weapon proficiency as a Ftr. (Cannot specialize in anything but a bow if UA is implemented)

Does not learn MU spells at all !

Learns druid spells, and most abilities (but not Change Form !)

Cannot wear metal armor and cast spells; can use all other skills though.

Cannot be accepted into the druidic hierarchy; thus is not concerned with battling higher level druids.

Gains/uses ranger damage vs. Giant-Class creatures; +1 to damage per each odd level gained.

Learns to track as a ranger.

Attracts a body of follows (this requires a redesigned table though.) Does not gain any as a “fighter.”

Gains druidic spell use:
L3: 1×1st
L4: 2×1st; 1×2nd
L5: 2×1st; 2×2nd
L6: 2×1st; 2×2nd: 1×3rd
L7: 3×1st; 2×2nd; 1×3rd
L8: 3×1st; 2×2nd; 2×3rd
L9: 3×1st; 3×2nd; 2×3rd; 1×4th
L10: 4×1st; 3×2nd; 2×3rd; 2×4th
L11: 4×1st; 3×2nd; 3×3rd; 2×4th
L12: 4×1st; 4×2nd; 3×3rd; 2×4th; 1×5th

…for starters.

Posted to Dragonsfoot forums by Thorkhammer with permission to use it in my campaign.

Of course, I’ll have to modify it for my campaign due to level limits, but it looks good so far.

Categories Forester


Just Salro, no last name. No one here knows it, but he used to be a centaur. He got killed, and was reincarnated as a human. His tribe felt sorry for him, and escorted him to the nearest human town. Over the years of wandering he wound up in Fondfield. He rather likes it here.

He still cannot figure out how humans can walk on only 2 legs. Of course, he doesn’t realize that is exactly the adjustment he made with all that walking to get here.

Human male. Brown hair, brown eyes. 5 feet 6 inches tall. 165 pounds.

Has a small stone in the shape of an insect native to his home lands.

Categories South Hemisphere


Shellesh likes the long bow, he became good at using it years ago. His abilities have not dimenished with age.

Str 17, Dex 19.

Hair brown, eyes blue, 6 feet 2 inches tall. Age 30.

Long bow +2, but he has never had it Identified. He believes it might be a magic bow.

Categories South Hemisphere


Note that the Fondfield detail map shows the Hay Barn in a different orientation.

The Green Goose Inn and Stables is the only Inn open all year around in this area.

map of First floor and stables png and CC2 map | map of Second floor png and CC2 map

map of Third floor png and CC2 map

Folks who live and work at the Green Goose Inn and Stables

Green Goose price list for food | Green Goose room listings and costs

Categories South Hemisphere


Folks who live and work at the Green Goose Inn and Stables

Innkeeper: Janro human male level zero

Wife: Julia human female level zero

Cook: Frot human male level zero

Asst: Phal elf male Fighter 1
Asst: Kragn dwarf male Fighter 1
Pastry: Sam halfling female
Bartender: John “Lumbering John” human male level zero
Serving Maid: Fellicia human female level zero
Serving Maid: Dorothy “Tassle” human female level zero
Bouncer: Drux Monk 5 human male

Groom: Srull ( Fighter 3 ) human, carries a dagger +1 vs. Man-sized/+2 vs. small-sized

Wife and Asst: Pato ( Fighter 4/Magic-User 5 ) female half-elf

Stable Helper: Griq “Sandy” human level zero
Stable Helper: Magdalene “Blondy” human female level zero
Stable Helper: Ghalar Wranto “Raz” male hill dwarf Fighter 1 battle axe


leather armor

Tral Fighter 1, human male spear, long sword, morning star
Caloq Fighter 2, human female spear, long sword, morning star
Pavor Fighter 1, human male heavy crossbow, 2 spears, foot soldier’s mace
Marg Fighter 1, human female heavy crossbow, 2 spears, foot soldier’s mace

Categories South Hemisphere

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