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When the Undead came down from The Gloom, they told the castle dwellers they were just going to expand a bit. So they could leave with no harm to worry about.

The castle dwellers stayed put. Many died during the ensuing battle, but the Undead lost in the end.

Updated/corrected on October 28, 2020.

Categories Kingdom of Gesh, Battle of Telesh


The capital city of this kingdom. Also the major seaport.

At the head of Kralo Bay sits a large city. Ancient. The Shorn Forest is nearby. Wood elves and human rangers live there. The bay is 160-390 miles wide and about 800 miles long.

Chel likes to think of itself as a Kingdom, it is many years older than the Kingdon of Ghesh. The royalty of Ghesh are of a different mind.

population is 20,000

12,000 humans
4,000 elves
2,000 half-elves
1,000 dwarves
500 gnomes
500 halflings

Approximately 1,000 adventurers in the city. Up to 1,000 more adventurers in the Kingdom.

updated map: July 12, 2015.

Categories Kingdom of Gesh, Chel


farm land: corn, apricots, apples, cattle, vegetables, other typical farm animals

forests: several forests

water: streams, several rivers, bays, fishing is good

mountains: 3 mountain ranges. Several lone peaks

typical terrain: mostly flat, good farm land. Cities, towns, and castles are well kept. Southeast part is desolate, ruins. And old evil ruins on Spill Island.

Categories Outer Ocean, Tantalow's Islands


The Outer Ocean, Inner Ocean and Sea of Ghanuu go down to 2 miles deep in a few places. Mostly they are zero to 4,500 feet deep. Some shoals are mapped, others are not. Shoals are shallow areas that vary in depth. Some places a rowboat would have a tough passage, others have enough water over them to float small ships. Tides will affect this…

The Mountains of Death go as high as 20,000 feet. Rumors of heights of 30,000 feet have never been checked on.

The lakes on this continent are from 100 to 500 feet deep. A few are much deeper. Rumor has it that some lakes and ponds, within city walls, connect to the vast depths where the Dark Elves reside.

The Invisible River is mostly dry river bed. Some of the dry areas have water below the surface, some areas have no water below just a dry river bed. The deepest parts of the Invisible River are about 200 feet deep. The average river depth is 10 feet. This river has been known to drown unwary travelers by somehow diverting its waters.

The terrain on Crestar shows some action by glaciers, while land nearby to the glaciation doesn’t. The inhabitants don’t realize this is impossible, as Crestar is all they know.

The nations west of the Mountains of Death have few natural defenses, so any invasions via sea or land is a problem for them.

Most inhabited islands can survive with small populations hunting nothing but fish and growing a few food stuffs. The smaller islands must trade with others to survive. Larger islands have enough acerage they can maintain large populations with large crop yields, with fishing as a suppliment food during times of drought.

Categories Outer Ocean, General

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