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Darshan History starts about Age 9. Sages have been unable to verify the old stories, but legend has it that this continent didn’t exist when the southern lands below the equator existed.

It started as a small bit of land, barely there.

Slowly it grew, the coastline bubbling, but not like a volcano.

Land sprang up out of the Outer Ocean, trees already upon it. Flowers and brush grew after after the water run off had stopped.

By the time Age 10 had started, rivers, lakes, forest and other creatures had arrived, a few sailing ships came along the shore looking for a place to land. Not every area was devoid of evil creatures.

Categories Darshan, Darshan History


A closer look at the Bar-Nalo area. Map is 50 miles across. The locals may or may not nknow about the shallows making a seaport between the two guard towers to the southwest of Bar-Nalo.

Categories North Hemisphere


A somewhat dubious area of the kingdom. Lots of things going on here, but what about the elves ?

The locations, except for Bleak Town and Ghushtar Forest, are near that area. Detailed maps will show more precisely their locations.

Categories North Hemisphere

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