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Some I still have notes for, some just a list of characters.

Adventure 33: Sraa Keep

7/ 29/Year 500: 1) Mist ; 2) Panzader

7 NPCs: Dras’s ; Falon ; George ; Halop ; Sagri ; Tanlij ; Zir

Adventure 34: Sraa Keep

8/ 4/Year 500: 1) Leo ; 2) Mist ; 3) Ora : 4) Winter

9 NPCs: Dras’s ; Falon ; Farsta ; George ; Halop ; Sagri ; Tanlij ; Tol ; Zir

Adventure 35: Mad Kronogo’s Keep

8/ 10/Year 500: 1) Foxthorn ; 2) Luke

1 NPC: Fang

Adventure 36: Khilla Keep

8/ 10-11/Year 500: 1) Adagio ; Arlo ; Blondy; Damien ; Ethelred ; Finlo ; Gallaith ; Ged ; Konard ; Lidapa ; Morgan ; Oh No ! ; Rima ; Sor-Kan ; Star ; Winter (multiple parties, rescue scenario)

2 NPCs: Jondara ; Zon



An interesting place, except for the giants that pop up out of the sand and attack people.

Near Colnar Haven and The Land called ‘Shore’, lower right corner of the map below.

They seem to thrive in this desolate area with little water.

Categories South Hemisphere


A neutral good nation that fights the neutral evil corsairs in the Gray Ocean. They have heard of Trillolara, but feel they are too small to ally with.

I like this definition of ‘martyr’: one who suffers for the sake of principle. In this case, the fight against undead and evil pirates.

Location map:

Categories South Hemisphere


Humans 100,000
Dwarves, Hill 9,000
Dwarves, Mountain 3,000
Elves, Gray 5,000
Elves, High 7,000
Elves, Valley 3,000
Elves, Wood 5,000
Gnomes, Deep 550
Gnomes, Surface 6,000
Half-Elves, Gray 9,000
Half-Elves, High 14,000
Half-Elves, Valley 2,000
Half-Elves, Wood 3,000
Halflings, Hairfoot 3,700
Halflings, Stout 4,500
Halflings, Tallfellow 3,000
total 177,750
adventurers 3,555

Delta 30,000
Seascape Keyforth 20,000

(city and major town populations will be added later)

Categories South Hemisphere

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[ Copyright © by Jim, 1980-2050. All Rights Reserved. ]

[ Except where noted, and where copyrights are held by others. ]