My AD&D 1e website - Druid maps, scenarios, and cities, etc. Thu, 28 Mar 2024 17:27:24 +0000 Druid character class re-write

Some Links

Re-write of the druid character class. No combat to go up a level. One Grand Druid per neutral religion. Probably by the time a druid reaches 23rd level, the previous occupant is likely to have retired or died of old age. For details not listed, read the 1E PHB page 21. I am working on a spell list for levels 8 and 9. And use d8 for hit points.

Spells per level per day re-write.

]]> Tue, 09 Dec 2014 19:41:46 +0000 Bill George,2023-06-06:41b9e06e4775041fe9f5e0b879357f08/636a06d469ffc4894ed12e66ff899efb