My AD&D 1e website - Articles - Zantillor Mythos, Lawful Neutral maps, scenarios, and cities, etc. Thu, 28 Mar 2024 17:27:24 +0000 Zantillor Mythos, i.e. Lawful Neutral game world religion

Some Links

Names, god, clerics, type of deity, area of control

( No details yet.)

Antons of Benevolence, Wadgec, any, Major, god of the sky

The Devotees from Kraag, Sraaq, any, Major, creator of the universe

Abbey of the Eternal Ocean, Kilaro, any, Major, god of the rivers and oceans

Temple of the Howling Storm, Ghiyala, Female only, Major, goddess of the atmostphere

Church of Graa, Rimnar, any, Minor, god of the wind

Punishers of Unlawfulness, Hir, any, Major, the Avenger

Victory Abbey, Olanna, any, Major, goddess of victory

Temple of the Blue Bolt, Zinzad, any, Minor, god of thunder and lightning

Oathbinders’ Friends, Virka, any, Major, god of order & protection of oaths

Death Followers, Alarag, Male only, Minor, demigod of death

The Oaken Hearth, Saint Cuthbert, any, Major, god of wisdom, common sense, truth, zeal

]]> Sun, 15 Jun 2014 22:43:54 +0000 Bill George,2023-06-07:41b9e06e4775041fe9f5e0b879357f08/e3fadfdcfeb5ba6ae712f2a1005c6f23