This is site for a futuristic Mars and my ideas, scenarios, towns, cities, and villages, along with a few canals.
I hope to add places on Jupiter’s moons and a spot out by Pluto.
This FAQ will grow as I add more information to it.
This is site for a futuristic Mars and my ideas, scenarios, towns, cities, and villages, along with a few canals.
I hope to add places on Jupiter’s moons and a spot out by Pluto.
This FAQ will grow as I add more information to it.
Lets take this tunnel down in to the depths of the planetary crust. in Future Mars.
But I’m going to add some bits to this site…
Watch that water table, that lamp looks expensive.
Down here, are large caves. Lots of mechanical things, and electrical wires. Robots, some obvious, walk with humans… with pointy ears and small lobe ears. Elves ? Well, I don’t think so.
There is an Annual issue sold by that helps map side-views of underground areas. I’ll look into that.
That is it for the time being.
Here is an example:
Ruins ? Yes, some enterprising person decided to buy up land and add some cometary water ice. Water levels rose in the Grand Ocean… and the person who was going to sell beach front property, was ruined as so much water was added his sea mount is under water. Two folks interested in building underwater cities bought the land at auction and built these two so far. The ruins belonged to the enterprising person.
Mars, underwater
I have the Game Park rpg book. I decided to have the futuristic Mars characters use these character sheets I came up with. I used Campaign Cartographer 3 to make them.