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This is the cave and ‘house’ shown in the cave drawing.

No roof, no second floor; although it appears to have one upon first seeing it. The characters should easily notice that they can see through the upper windows to the cave’s back wall.

They will also notice easily that there are different types of construction in this supposed house. Red brick walls that go up to 12 feet high, brown sandstone walls that are 10 feet high, gray stone walls that are 5 feet high. It may look shaky, but it is very sturdy.

Two rooms have dust on the floor that could have been wooden furniture. The rest of the rooms are absolutely clean. No dust, no debris.

All that is to make the players suspicious… and hunt for some clues.

Up inside the flue for the stone fireplace is a small loose brick.

Behind the brick is a small lever. Its to activate the teleport and send anyone in the fireplace off to Sky Mountain, where the actual adventure takes place. The fireplace holds about 3 humans standing up.

That lever wasn’t easy for the players to locate. I even had to hint.

This is the planned and dug out room that is the cave.


Overhead view of the house.


Categories lost, Mad Rock


farm land: wheat, corn, typical farm animals, many wild areas not under cultivation

forests: small forested areas, a few large forest areas. Most everyone avoids Leseo Forest.

water: various small streams, several rivers and their tributaries, an estuary, and a large ocean

mountains: several mountainous areas, a few small hills

typical terrain: rolling hills with grasslands, good soil for farming

Categories lost, Mad Rock


Area map

The adventure takes place bottom right corner of map in a land called Ghenter.

Maps updated: November 21, 2020.

Mad Rock

The characters started in Wonce Tarno. Paid a toll in Tollgo. And bought last minute supplies in Gester. They were glad to see the adventurers. And they over charged them. After all, the trade route had shifted and they needed the money to buy things with.

Mad Rock, partial zoomed in area map

The land between Gester, pronounced Jester, and Mad Rock is where the ‘peculiar’ things happened.

The two dotted lines next to Mad Rock turn out to be stone pillars, 3 feet in diameter, and 9 feet tall. The two rows are approximately 30 feet apart.

Mad Rock, local area map

The pillars lead up to a cave.

A sketch of what the players’ characters found in the cave. A small roofless building. That is a fire smudge on the left. Yes, the cave has been carved into a rectangular box shape.


Overhead view of the house floor plan. There is a way to get to the next part of the adventure from this cave.

In the fireplace is a movable brick. Moving it teleports those in room 3 to the next part of the adventure.

Mad Rock cave, 800 x 800

Categories lost, Mad Rock


Altono has a leader, but no one seems to know his name, or where he is located.

Celin is somewhere between feudalism and a republic. The Barons are having a hard time getting used to voting. And even more difficult for them is getting used to the populace voting. Much drunken thumping of mailed fists on oaken tables, that is about all they can do about it.

The Barony of Garton is very feudalistic. Almost a text book version of Feudalism.

Ghenter doesn’t seem to have a government. Several times Zultor tried to take them over via various means, including warfare. Zultor lost everytime. Mostly they find themselves back at their start points and monies are gone to pay for the damages they have done. They are very much bothered by such goings on, much thumping of mailed fists on oaken tables… sounds familiar ?

Zultor is a feudalistic theocracy. The rest of the nations here stay away from them. Allegedly ruled by an old man dressed in gray cloth.

Categories lost, Mad Rock


(I found some of my original notes.)

There were times I wanted to have fun playing.

This is one of those times.

Anyway, as the player characters got closer to Mad Rock, they encountered lots of strange things.

1d30 or d10 + 1d20 while the party is outdoors within 10 miles of Mad Rock.

1) singing cacti, that slowly fade away. 2) a pine tree, without lower trunk or roots, floats top downward for 5 hours. It is 30’ up in the air. 3) in a small circle, around 1200 feet, for 3 hours a. in summer: it starts snowing. Total accumulation is one inch. b. in winter: the sun is shining, the ground is warm, no matter what else the weather is doing. 4) for 1 minute, Mad Rock appears to be above the party. 5) for 10 minutes: a 75’ long, 5’ wide, 2’ deep stream appears 7’ up in the air. Fish can been seen swimming in it. 6) until hit with anything; a pendulum blade appears in front of the party. 7) permanent: Half of all damage the party has sustained to this point, is healed. 8) a 30’ in diameter boulder forms in the air and rolls towards the party, vanishing 1d10 + 50 feet away. 9) for 5 minutes: the sound of a full orchestra tuning up.

10) for 10 minutes: Sunlight starts to flicker like a slow speed strobe light.

11) for 5 minutes: a mirror image of the party appears 50’ to one side and parallels their actions.

12) for 1 day: the party is opposite handed form normal. left handed become right handed, etc. -4 to hit.

13) singing cactus that fade away, then start singing.

14) a large boulder flies in horizontally and vanishes 50 feet from the group of characters.

15) a group of odd-looking trees shows up, waves at the group, and then vanishes.

16) a group of odd-looking trees show up, dances, sings, then fades away.

17) singing cacti, a group of about 10 of many heights, that slowly fade away.

18) ghostly images of the group forms to one side of the real group, keeps up with them for a few minutes, then fades away.

19) a Troll runs up to the group, shouts in Common “Stop ! Don’t go there !” then it runs screaming off into the distance.

20) an Illithid screaming in fear runs past the group.

21) singing cacti that also dances, vanishes after 2 minutes.

22) an oak tree quietly humming to itself, vanishes after 2 minutes.

23) 3 goblins appear, ask for water, then vanish after 1 minute.

24) ghostly images of the party go past them, away from Mad Rock, screaming silently.

25) ghostly images of the party go past them, away from Mad Rock, they try to talk to the real party, but no words are heard. They manage to get across their fear.

26) a row boat goes by 4’ off the ground. No one is inside it, yet the oars are moving normally.

27) birds flying by upside down, burping the Anvil Chorus.

28) a gigantic bird dives at the party, but vanishes before it gets closer than 3,000 feet.

29) three of the above

30) two of the above.

Categories lost, Mad Rock

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