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Dwarf hair and eye color
dwarf, hill:                              dwarf, mountain:
    hair         eye                           hair          eye
    color        color                         color         color
      brown        gray                          light gray    amber
      brown        violet                        light gray    green
      brown        green                         silver        violet
      black        green                         silver        green
      black        violet                        silver        amber
      black        gray                          gold          amber
      gray         gray                          gold          violet
      gray         green                         gold          green
      gray         violet                        blond         amber
                                                 blond         violet
                                                 blond         green

Elf hair and eye color

elf, gray:                         elf, high:
    hair         eye                   hair          eye
    color        color                 color         color
      light gray   amber                 blond         green
      light gray   green                 blond         gray
      silver       amber                 blond         violet
      silver       violet                dark brown    green
      silver       green                 dark brown    gray
      gold         amber                 dark brown    amber
      gold         violet                gray          green
      gold         green                 gray          amber
      blond        amber                 gray          gray
      blond        violet
      blond        green

elf, valley:                       elf, wood:
    hair         eye                    hair           eye
    color        color                  color          color
      light gray   amber                  copper red     light brown
      light gray   green                  copper red     light green
      light gray   blue                   copper red     hazel
      silver       amber                  blond          light brown
      silver       violet                 blond          light green
      gold         amber                  blond          hazel
      gold         violet                 brown          brown
      blond        amber                  brown          gray
      blond        violet
      blond        green

Gnome hair and eye color
gnome, deep:                              gnome, surface:
    hair         eye                           hair          eye
    color        color                         color         color
      gray         gray                          pure white    gray blue
      bald         gray                          pure white    bright blue
      bald         dark brown                    medium white  gray blue
      bald         violet                        medium white  bright blue
      brown        brown                         light brown   gray
      brown        green                         light brown   violet
      gray         dark brown                    gray          gray
      gray         violet                        gray          green
                                                 gray          brown

Half-elf hair and eye color
half-elf (gray elf):                       half-elf (high elf)
    hair         eye                           hair          eye
    color        color                         color         color
      blond        green                         black         gray
      blond        gray                          black         hazel
      blond        blue                          black         green
      dark brown   green                         red           green
      dark brown   gray                          red           gray
      dark brown   blue                          red           violet
      gray         green                         dark brown    green
      gray         gray                          dark brown    blue
      gray         blue                          brown         brown
      light gray   amber                         brown         gray
      light gray   green

half-elf (valley elf):                       half-elf (wood elf)
    hair         eye                           hair          eye
    color        color                         color         color
      light gray   amber                         black         gray
      light gray   green                         black         hazel
      light gray   violet                        black         green
      silver       violet                        copper red    light green
      silver       gray                          copper red    light gray
      dark brown   green                         copper red    light brown
      dark brown   amber                         dark blond    green
      gray         gray                          dark blond    gray
      gray         blue                          blond         hazel
      gray         green                         blond         light green
                                                 blond         blue
                                                 blond         light brown
                                                 blond         gray

Halfling hair and eye color
halfling, hairfoot:                            halfling, stout:
    hair          eye                              hair         eye
    color         color                            color        color
      blond         gray (15% chance)                dark red     gray  (  2% chance)
      blond         blue (15% chance)                dark red     green (  2% chance)
      light brown   brown                            blond        gray  ( 15% chance)
      light brown   hazel                            blond        blue  ( 15% chance)
      light brown   green                            light brown  brown
      sandy         hazel                            light brown  hazel
      sandy         brown                            light brown  gray
      sandy         gray                             sandy        hazel
      brown         hazel                            sandy        brown
      brown         gray                             sandy        gray
      brown         brown                            brown        hazel
                                                     brown        gray
                                                     brown        brown

halfling, tallfellow:
    hair          eye
    color         color
      dark red      gray  (  2% chance)
      dark red      green (  2% chance)
      blond         gray  ( 15% chance)
      blond         blue  ( 15% chance)
      light brown  brown
      light brown  hazel
      light brown  gray
      brown        hazel
      brown        gray
      brown        brown
      brown        green

Human hair and eye color
    hair         eye                           hair          eye
    color        color                         color         color
      gray         green                         sandy         gray
      gray         blue                          sandy         ashen ( 2% chance )
      gray         gray                          blond         blue
      brown        brown                         blond         brown
      brown        green                         blond         blue
      brown        gray                          blond         jade  ( 2% chance )
      dark blond   green                         auburn        green
      dark blond   blue                          auburn        gray
      dark blond   brown                         auburn        hazel
      dark blond   violet                        auburn        brown
      black        gray                          auburn        rose   ( 2% chance )
      black        hazel                         russet        violet
      black        blue                          russet        green
      black        brown                         russet        hazel
      red          green                         russet        emerald ( 1% chance )
      red          brown                         brunet        violet
      red          gray                          brunet        brown
      red          copper ( 2% chance )          brunet        green
      sandy        brown                         brunet        gray
      sandy        green                         brunet        beryl ( 1% chance )
                                                 gray          violet

Categories house rules, Page 03


Some Links

Some folks may think I had lots of house rules. I don’t believe I did. But I did use a typed booklet of how I understood the game rules to work. I know some folks see that as pretending to be official, but it isn’t. When I started reading the 1E books there was no one for me to talk to who was also playing the game. Internet accounts were not available to very many back then, and I wasn’t reading gaming magazines in 1979.

Magic items under Identify magic-user spell.

After reading over the Identity spell description, I saw that the exact number of pluses an item had would not be easily known. So I told players that a e.g a magic sword could be determined to have a vague number of pluses, but not the exact amount. So a magic sword with a +1 or +2 would be identified as a sword of few pluses. Three or four pluses was amagic sword of several pluses and 5 or 6 pluses identified as a sword with many pluses. I didn’t tell them until months later that many +6 items were unique. If a +6 sword, dagger, etc. ever broke, there was no replacement.

The same would be true for magic items with charges. A percentage range would be the result of Identify. If the percentile roll is close, a result within 10 percent of the total charges would become known to the caster of Identify. For every 10 percent higher than the roll needed, the range is wider. So an item with 50 charges, and 20 percent roll too high, would give a result of ’40-60 charges’. Rolls below the required amount, give more accurate results, but the exact number wil never be known. Unless the players keep track of how many times the item has been used, then it stops working. That count will be accurate.

Price lists for character purchases.

Magic items were never for sale to characters. Sometimes I might allow healing potions to be found in town for gold pieces, but that was rare. Most of the time I had a General Store typed up, a few times I just had a generic price list available for the players to read. I will include price lists for the various towns as I type up the dungeons.

Leading questions

What is a leading question ? Player, asks “what is behind that door ?” or “Are there any monsters behind the door ?” or “If my character hits the monster with a sword, will that cause damage ?”

If they didn’t have their characters do anything that would help them determine what is behind the door, that is a leading question. I don’t answer leading questions.

Movement, combat

My dungeons were shown to the players as floor tiles that were 2 inch by 2 inch squares representing a 10 foot by 10 foot area. We used 25 mm miniatures. I bought some tiles and made the rest out of old beige manila folders using a t-square and pencil. Then went over the drawn tiles with a drafting pen to make the movement squares more visible.

movement  items
rate      worn                              action possible
15 inch   normal clothing, Bracers          move 4 or less, action
          of Defense, Monk, or Barbarian    move 5 no action
                                            run  6 and roll 4d6 vs. Dex
                                             if roll over Dex, fall down.

12 inch any magic armour or mail, move 3 or less, action leather, elfin chain mail move 4 no action run 5 and roll 4d6 vs. Dex if roll over Dex, fall down.

9 inch banded, chain mail, padded, move 2 or less, action ring mail, studded leather, move 3 no action thief with Boots of run 4 and roll 4d6 vs. Dex Elvenkind moving silently. if roll over Dex, fall down.


6 inch bronze plate, field plate, move 1 or less, action full plate, plate, scale, move 2 no action splint, thief moving silently run 3and roll 4d6 vs. Dex if roll over Dex, fall down.


4 inch encumbered 9 carrying max move 1 or less, action weight load for that move 2 no action character’s strength ) run 3 and roll 4d6 vs. Dex if roll over Dex, fall down. =====================================================================

Turning around takes one hexagon of movement.

1 hexagon = 3 and one-third feet. 3 hexagons = 10 feet.

A Barbarian can run or move 15 inch up to 9 game-hours out of every 24, if the character has taken no damage. The percentage damage taken of the character’s total hit points is the percentage decrease in the 9 game-hour time interval. e.g. A Barbarian with 45 hit points has taken 23 hit points in damage. 9 times 0.51 = 4.59 game-hours available at a 9 inch movement rate.

All other characters can move at a 15 inch movement rate for a maximum of 6 turns (thats one game-hour). After 6 turns, the character must drop to 6 inch movement rate for 4 game-hours of walking, or sleep for 2 game-hours, before returning to the 15 inch rate. If the character continues at 15” rate over the 1 game-hour limit, the player must roll 4d6 vs constitution per turn over the one game-hour limit. Failure means a total physical collapse. The character must then rest for 4 game-hours after reviving from 3d10 + 5 rounds of unconciousness. After 3 failures you must saving roll vs. Constitution with 5d6. This failure means the character will be in a coma for 3d6 + 2 turns. After the sixth failure, the player must SR vs. Constitution with 5d6. Failure this time means the character has died of heart and system failure.

Fumble procedure

levels that fumble:

  a.  1st thru 6th  level fumble on a natural 1 or 2 on a d20.

  b.  7th thru 10th level fumble on a natural 1 on a d20.

  b. 11th thru 23rd level fumble on a natural 1 on a d20.
       ( only 5 percent of the time )

  For multi-class, add up the levels, then use the above.
  The monsters use the same chart.

Critical hit procedure

If your d20 roll was a natural 20 and a hit, it is a critical hit. If the natural 20 was a miss, no critical hit occurred. If you get a critical hit, roll percentile dice, and I will tell you the visible results.

Game time explanations

A. components

   1. segment         6 game-seconds
   2. 10 segments     1 game-minute
   3. round           1 game-minute
   4. combat round    1 game-minute
   5. turn           10 game-minute

   6. There are about 24 game-hours in a game-day.
   7. The 12 game-months have 30 game-days each.
   8. The game-year is 366 game-days long.
   9. There are 2 game-festivals per game-year of 3 game-days each.
      They are called Lithe and Yule. For many nations these are
      major holidays. Lithe is between the 6th and 7th months.
      Yule is between the 12th and first month. Yule is the
      New Year’s Day equivalent and Lithe is the Midsummer’s
      Day equivalent for Crestar.

B. guide for the amount of game time necessary for standard events.

   1. door, search for mechanical traps         1 round
          , remove mechanical traps, varies     1-30 rounds
                   by complexity
          , opening, push or pull               1 segment per attempt
          , tie rope and pull open              1 round

   2. secret door, check for by tapping the
                   wall and listening for
                   echoes per 10’ × 10’ wall
                   section                      1 round ( regular search)

                 , same but more thorough       1 turn ( thorough search)

   3. room, map and casually search,
                20’ × 20’ area                  1 turn

          , same size, thorough search walls,
                       floors, map furniture,
                       etc.                     +1 turn

   4. movement thru a previously mapped area
       ( not including opening any doors )

      a. walking at a 9” rate takes 1 round per 90 feet

      b. running at a 9” rate takes 5 segments per 90 feet.
         ( roll vs. Dexterity only necessary once for each
           5 game-minutes)



Nine islands. Plenty of vegetation, good soil. Shallows for fishing and shellfish. Fresh water.


Eight of the islands have names. Adventurers landed on Tror, built a couple of villages. They saw many fish in the shallow areas. They decided this would be a good place to live.

They went back somewhere, and got lots of people to follow them here.

They vanished long years ago. Only ruins left. Except for that one tower on the unnamed island. Wouldn’t do for his enemies to teleport in, named island would help with that he supposed.

Two collapsed light houses guard the bay on Tesk. No sign of any other inhabitation on the island for them to be helping.

The adventurers, and those who followed them here, didn’t name these islands. Nor did the being living in the tower. He found sign boards naming them all, he got rid of the sign on his island.

Categories Outer Ocean


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From level 2, room 4, a 20’ wide by 60’ long corridor leads to a spiral stone stair that goes downward. The stairs are 10’ in diameter and go down 150’. The walking area on the stone spiral stairs is 5’ wide. The total depth at the bottom of the spiral stair is 412.75 feet.

At 100’ down, the characters see carvings on the walls. The carvings are of warriors in feathered headdresses and look similar to Mayan and Aztec styles. A plaster-stone combination blocks the stairs at 120’ down. There are words carved and painted on it. If Read Languages is cast: ‘Tomb of Tonichto. Warrior King of Thaclara.’ The plaster wall is thin and can be broken with Knock spells or maces. Behind it they will find a row of inlaid stone blocks with no mortar holding them in place. They can be removed with 2 hours of work. Hitting them with blunt weapons will cause an echo to come up from below that sounds like that of a hammer on an anvil. (tap-tom-tap-tap)

Behind the stone wall is a passage that is richly painted and carved with jungle scenes. Warriors are fighting. Spell casters are attacking each other and warriors. Jaguars on leashes are being used to attack wounded warriors. The characters soon realize there are two groups involved. Those with blue feathered headdresses and those with green feathers.

As the characters go downward, they hear faint ‘jungle sounds’, mostly birds. The walls and air gets damper and damper as they go further downward.

Now they see fighters and spell casters with orange feathers attacking both the green and blue feathered groups.

Map is 50’ × 50’. Grid is 10’ squares. Path is 3’ wide’.

Bottom of the spiral stairs map

At the bottom of the staircase, the characters find themselves on the edge of a large area of jungle. Trees, brush, birds, small lizards, and insects abound. The ceiling is approximately 100’ up. There is a dim greenish-yellow glow reminiscent of sunlight shinning through jungle growth, but it seems ‘wrong’ somehow. Then they realize the ‘sunlight’ is coming from everywhere, uniformly, even near the staircase. It cannot be actual sunlight shinning on these trees.

The only walls the characters see are at the spiral stairs. The rest of the area is jungle. If they ‘check for depth’ they will find they are about 413’ down.

Note: the passageways in the jungle growth move after the characters leave the clearing near the stairs. The amount of frustration of finding the same ‘rooms’ over and over is up to you.

The pedestals the statues are on are 3’ high.

Map is 50’ × 50’. Grid is 10’ squares. Path is 3’ wide’.

Room 1) 30’ × 30’ area

A statue of a bat is here, a giant bat 6’ tall. Statue doesn’t change into a monster. In the back of the pedestal is a small panel. Trapped with Flash, a mini-fireball 5’ radius. 3d6 HP, SR for 1/2 damage 365 gp of Trillolaran coins

Map is 50’ × 50’. Grid is 10’ squares. Path is 3’ wide’.

To help the players become nervous, you might mention that no path connects to this statue. Be subtle about it.

Room 2) 20’ × 20’ area

A statue of a jaguar: AC6, Move 15”, HD 4+1, attacks claw/claw/bite 1d3/1d3/1d8, close combat 2 more attacks from rear claws of 1d3/1d3 Coming within 10’ of statue changes it into a jaguar. No treasure.

Map is 50’ × 50’. Grid is 10’ squares. Path is 3’ wide’.

Room 3) 30’ × 30’ area

statue of jaguar, coming within 5’ activates magic mouth ‘Roar !’ Pedestal has small panel: no trap. 25 gp, 150 sp of Trillolaran coins

Map is 50’ × 50’. Grid is 10’ squares. Path is 3’ wide’.

Room 4) 50’ × 50’ area

Three statues a) Elf woman on the left one: Vanished about 50 years ago. If rescued, taken back to the surface and Dwarfbas, the party receives 750 gp and a quiver of 12 arrows +1 for her rescue.
b) A statue of a jaguar: AC6, Move 15”, HD 4+1, attacks claw/claw/bite 1d3/1d3/1d8, close combat 2 more attacks from rear claws of 1d3/1d3 Becomes a jaguar 2 minutes after Tochnito activates. No treasure.
c) Mummy on the right one. Its Tochnito. He isn’t an actual mummy, attacks as a Ghoul.
After Tochnito is defeated and dies, his pedestal falls apart revealing his treasure. 2,000 cp; 1,000 ep; 500 gp; two 1500 gp necklaces; three 650 gp gems; Long sword +1, Ring of Fire resistance, Long bow +1, Sling +1
He wasn’t the King of the Jungle Lands, but was a usurper from Trillolara, so his gear is Trillolaran style.

Map is 50’ × 50’. Grid is 10’ squares. Path is 3’ wide’.

Room 5) 10’ × 10’ area

Small rocky pad in the center of this area. Its large enough for the entire party, including the elf, to stand on. It will teleport them to halfway between Hommlet and the moat house. Will detect as trap.

An hour after they leave, and Tochnito is defeated, area 3 vanishes, along with all of the spiral stone stairs.

A month after this adventure is over, a Chaotic Neutral party character will find in his or her room a long sword +1 CN. No abilities. If more than one CN character, roll percentile dice. Lowest roll wins. They wont be able to trace it, but a sage, 45 percent chance, can figure out why it showed up.

Level 3: converting all money items found to gold gives: 7,107.5 gp equivalent including the money from rescuing the elf.

Or to make it more dramatic, once they find the empty pedestal, the jungle area starts shaking and the ceiling starts falling in. The teleport pad in area 5 is the only safe exit as this point.

Categories South Hemisphere


An area the Little Old Man in Gray contracted with some player characters to clean up.

Some materials lost like the Sky Mountain adventure. I only have the lead up to it.

So, the player characters can get to the location that transports them to Sky Mountain, but the adventure material for Sky Mountain is lost.

Note that this isn’t on Crestar, but a location known to The Little Old Man in Gray

Categories lost, Mad Rock

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[ Copyright © by Jim, 1980-2050. All Rights Reserved. ]

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