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A large area map of part of the southern continent.

The unknown city is not noticeable by those living outside it.

Kingdom of Ladtodquill will loosely be based on one of the Judges’ Guild City-States. There is Evil, and Good, Law, and Chaos, and some Neutrals. Beware !

The Bay of Sound is called that due to the constant sound from the icebergs and ice packs bumping into each other. For a short period each southern hemisphere summer, there is a path for ships to exit and head out into the Outer Ocean from the seaport in Bluening, Satha.

The Barrow Hills are called that because they are shaped like barrows. There may or may not be barrows there.

Smaller detailed maps will be uploaded to other articles as they get done.

Those are 200 mile squares on the below map.

Categories South Hemisphere


Some Links

Upon arrival outside this seaport, some ship captains start believing the rumors that one side of the port charges higher taxes than the other side. I haven’t decided on a name for the seaport, nor any surrounding towns/villages, yet.

This isn’t true, but it does keep the harbor patrol hopping !

Maps at this scale will seldom have the exact placement of towns and villages. Cities, forests, and some hill/mountain areas will be close to design or exact placement. That gives me some fudging room later on.

Categories South Hemisphere


So you don’t have to hunt for them.

I know some of these need reworking, but since I’m presenting these the way we gamed in them, I wont be changing them.


Braydont Castle and surrounding towns. area map, and map of a town called Triwell and a village called Boonmuck. With an inn and some shops. 4 maps Second game town.

Dtillan Orsti, Trillolara entrance page seaport, few details. One large map with shop and population listing for the seaport and surrounding towns. Third game town.

Dwarfbas entrance page some shop details. Fourth game town.

Fondfield, Trillolara entrance page some shop details. Green Goose Inn and Stables, Blacthorns Bow and Arrow Shop, Zrani’s Blacksmith’s shop, Community Bake Shop and various parts of the town are mapped and detailed. First game town.

The towns for Dank Forest and Tanoria are in the sequence somewhere. I’ll add that info in when I go over my old notes.

Way Ut, Spill Island entrance page2 maps, near Grey Heath. Never gamed here. No adventure at Way Ut yet, no details just the map.


Most of the dungeons I’ll be detailing are not low-level adventures. Many have powerful undead involved.

Quasqueton, a commercial module by TSR, was my first dungeon refereed. But since its a commercial product, I wont detail it. I did create a new one, untested, from scratch. Level 1-3 for 5-7 characters.

Dtgllo Castle, Trillolara entrance page, (the Dtgllo entrance page png zip now contains the text for that adventure) near Hommlet: 5th level and up. 22 rooms on 3 maps

Link fixed Dec 26, 2014
Falla Keep, second dungeon. 60 rooms on 12 maps. Third game played.

Khilla Keep entrance page all rooms and descriptions are finished. My third dungeon because it has Fiend Folio monsters in it. Starts out okay for characters first to third level, but too quickly reaches level 5-7. Has a few nice traps, particularly the one on Map 15 room 221, but otherwise needs lots of reworking. 212 rooms on 16 maps

Sraa Keep, Trillolara entrance page, near Fondfield: 6th level and up, with a liche involved. First dungeon I created. Over 160 rooms on 16 maps. Second game played. 5-7th level, secret dungeons 7-9th level.

Shagtor, Odd-shaped, castle 3rd level is a killer

Trillusion information dungeon in Teslarc. Mapped, but room details lost.

Gray Heath on Spill Island no details, area/adventure not fully mapped.

Mad Rock no details, area/adventure not fully mapped. 3 maps. Another map to be done, along with the room descriptions for the other map. Mostly a one shot adventure. Adventure details lost. Maps updated October 12, 2020. Fixed scenary and text.

For many of the low level adventures, I used modules or modifications of modules such as The Book of Treasure Maps, Book of Treasure Maps 2, and Frontier Forts of Kelnore by Judges’ Guild.

Categories Crest of a Star, General


Map updated Sep 16, 2016

 Falla Keep, Map 1, Fondfield, Trillolara

doors are numbered, rooms have letters.

Door 1)

The room leading to this door is a normal storage area in
Falla Keep. Two regular level zero guards and a half-elf
Cleric 5/Fighter 5/Magic-User 5 is here. They are well armed,
and the half-elf has a scroll case of spells.

A backup force is located in the circular room next door.
It consists of 5-10 Fighter level 3 men, 3-6 Fighter 5 men,
2 half-elf Cleric 5/Magic-User 5, and one seventh level
human magic-user.

If the adventurers don’t come back out, they will seal the secret door
and another group of adventurers will be called for. The ones above level 3
are available for backing up the adventurers, if another such backup force
arrives in the store room. Otherwise they will stay put.

Note that these guards are battle hardened veterans and will not be much impressed
by bragging adventurers, unless the guards know they are experienced as well.

If the adventurers are unknown to the guards, the guards are very likely to seal
the door behind any braggarts and declare them gone as well.

All that is known by the guards is that 5 servants are missing, another one is dead.

A blood trail leads to the secret door.

A few items had gone missing and the servants had stayed here one night thinking it was just a thief stealing things. They were wrong. The secret door was not known to be here.

If anyone says, within 10 feet of this door, ‘I wonder if there is a secret door around here.’ or words with a similar meaning, the secret door slides into the floor.

A trail of mostly dried blood will lead down the passageway to room A

Categories South Hemisphere


Map updated Sep 16, 2016

 Falla Keep, Map 2, Fondfield, Trillolara

Room A) 90’ × 110’ × 10’

Room is full of pillars, the ones on the south wall form a parallelogram,
not a rectangle like the rest of them do. Doesn’t mean anything, except to puzzle the players.

On the North wall is a very good painting that looks like people trying to climb
the smooth wall to get away from something. Their backs show marks that could be claw
marks. Close examination reveals its a painting.

The painting is a trap. Touching any of the beings in the painting will result in unconciousness for 1.5 turns.

Door 2)

If any of the pillars marked in blue, check the secret layer, are touched by a
Chaotic Good character, this door opens.
From the direction of room B, the door looks like a normal door with pull handle
on the left side. Only push or Knock will open it from the side of room B.
The third attempt to use the pull handle results in a Monster Summoning IV spell
going off.

Room B) 50’ × 20’ × 20’

shelf is 10’ up from floor. It is 12’ × 18’ × 10’ on the shelf are 3 bugbears

each has two 5’ spears and a two-handed sword

will attack by surprise 50 percent of the time.

there is a lever in the back of the shelf that opens door 3

Door 3)

opened by lever on shelf in room B. Door slides into floor.

Room C) 40’ × 60’ × 20’

if this room is entered by any non-Chaotic Evil beings/characters,
door 3 closes. And then teleport in, one to each side of group,
will be two Type II Demons.

The Demons will not teleport in reinforcements.

The ramp down from room C is 170’ at 17 degree slope. Total drop is 50’. The ramp ends where marked on Map 3.

Categories South Hemisphere

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