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Some Links

Each pirate ship has its own council, Captain, and First Mate. Larger vessels have a permanent Second Mate. Flotillas of 3-6 pirate ships have their own council.

There is a Grand Council that runs the island.

Farmers are not to be bothered, those that do pester or harm the farmers are punished severely.

Categories South Hemisphere


A large very very lawful nation. A nation of Laws. It takes two carts, drawn by 2 horses each, to carry The Laws of Basic Life here.

An interesting place. Some areas have many villages and towns, other areas are desolate.

( So far this nation just figures in the migration of the Tar-Nalos.)

(No, I’m not detailing all of the Laws of this nation.)

Categories South Hemisphere


Some Links

farm land: wheat, corn, typical farm animals; mostly all in small quantities due to poor soil
forests: small forested areas
water: various small streams, salt water of the Sea of Ghanuu
mountains: none, a few small hills
typical terrain: rolling hills with grasslands, slightly rocky farmland

Categories South Hemisphere

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