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Stinky forest,
flowers ugh !
crazy elves want flowers and leafy trees,
we fight and then leave,
let them think,
they have won this land,
if we not Orcs,
would have gladly,
let them have,
the forests,
and its birds,
flowers, streams,
and quiet !

We come back,
from time to time,
fight elves,
make them think we want woods back !

But we not want nice trees,
want thistles and brambles !

Better to let Elves,
think they have won the forest,
than to let them think,
we want not the trees !

Darn pesky nice woods,
Bah !

Categories poem


They sing,
about the stars and the sky,
but once,
long ago, they fried in the heat,
of desert sands,
crawling out of the sandy depths,
of the heated grains,
of sand,
of sand !

They fought the orcs,
for the quiet woods,
with its watered soil,
and won.

But the orcs remember,
when they had the woods alone,
and no elves were there,
to contend with them,
no singing,
no happiness,
no elves,
in the quiet places,
deep in the woods !

Categories poem


A city of long distant past ?

No, a City !

Deep with the Mountains of Desication once lived a City. Not just a series of caves lit by torches. But lit by sunlight and moonlight. Mirrors of Polished Gold and Silver, directed the sun and moon light deep within, down long passageways. Lighting great concourses and courtyards, homes, palaces, and byways. smaller mirrors each take a bit of the lgiht and direct it down side passages. Great opening in the west and east side of the mountaiis, so light can be directed down into the bedrock during all of the day.

Great tunnels up through the bedrock, to provide ventilation. Tunnels downward to take care of refuse.

Tales say the lights directed deep within the mountains are extinguished now. The mirrors are gone, the City is gone, so are the People who lived there.

Could it be just a Legend out of the Past ? Did it really exist in the Long Ago ? Could it still be ?

The Sages of the 11th Age are divided over the story. Some believe it is just a story, some believe it to be true. The rest are waiting for solid information, like a report brought back by adventurers. Maybe a carving, a drawing, or an ancient scroll.

That would settle it. Or would they be forgeries ?

No way to tell, unless magic was involved to make them. A few sages have the ability to tell if something is recently created with magic.

Some sages say they had more tools to determine if something was forged or a copy in the distant past. Much was lost when Licieria was destroyed. Or maybe such claims are just dreams of wanted sophistication.

That is why a few sages visit the markets on market day, hoping for a new piece of information about that Long Ago City.

Categories Legends


A monarchy that betrayed Trillolara to an invading army about 100 years ago. There is some other reason why they hate each other, but a taboo prevents inquiry. Mostly pirates and some animals live here now. Dank Forest and Trillolara invaded this island about 75 years ago. The pirates are a rather blood thirsty lot. (Alignment: NE)

I have added details to this island map that non-islanders wouldn’t know.

Why are there roads to all of the ruined keeps ? They are disguised watch towers.

the island map is outdated and has been removed.

Categories Outer Ocean, Islands


Some Links

farm land: wheat, corn, typical farm animals; mostly all in small quantities

forests: small forested areas

water: various small streams, surrounded by the salt water of the Sea of Ghanuu

mountains: none, a few small hills

typical terrain: rolling hills with grasslands, slightly rocky farmland

Categories South Hemisphere

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[ Copyright © by Jim, 1980-2050. All Rights Reserved. ]

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