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The books are well written and laid out so the reader can find things. Far better than the 1E books.

Otherwise, I don’t care for it.

Chain mail isn’t that lacking in movement. Plate is heavy armor, and I’ve seen people on history channel documentaries do cartwheels wearing it.

So a dex reduction is silly.

I could list more reasons, but I’ll just leave it at Feats and stats going up at certain levels. No, just, No. This isn’t an MMORPG, but a paper and pencil game.

Categories General


These are the ‘original’ human people of Crestar. When other races; gnomes, elves, orcs, dwarves; went to an area, the Beshla were there.

Later peoples, humans, arrived in later migrations or via Gates.

Most sages believe the Beshla first arrived on Crestar on the Northern Hemisphere, but there is no evidence of that.

They have the largest variety in skin; hair and eye colors; height; weight; and skills.

Some communities are very good at pottery, making everyday use items that look more like commissioned works of art than items for every day use.

Others make fine weapons and armor.

Most Beshla communities are rather average in what they can do in the way of trade skills. Serviceable, but not works of art. And some turn out works of art that are very excellent weapons or magic items, they just don’t look like they are. These later items are very rare.

A typical Beshla spear man



An island in the far south of the Outer Ocean. Ice surrounds it on several sides. The west side is free of ice most of the year. A deep warm current upwells out in the ocean, mostly keeping this side free of ice.

The west side has been used as an invasion route more than once.

The destruction of the Telkha-Nar-An People came about in this way. The ruins locations are where they once lived.

Thkh Mountains ?

An explorer had come in and tried to tell the people there the horror he had seen, but they thought he was naming the mountains. So they added it to the map and he left.

The empty lands is the south-west corner of the Southern Continent, Bellshar

Map updated: Dec 16, 2014.

Increased map sixes form 1200 pixels to 2000 pixels. Feb 2, 2019.

Detail of western part of this island.



I decided to come up with a list of AD&D magic items not mentioned in the official books.

Magic armor has a 12” movement rate.

If an item is listed as ‘spear’ then it could be a 5’, 6’, 7’ or 9’ spear. Many +6 items are unique. If the characters break them, the items are gone forever. Note that in my campaign, an Identify can only note generalities about an item. So a long sword +1 would Identify as a long sword with few pluses. Few means +1 or +2, Several is +3 or +4, Many is +5 or +6. A Wish or Limited Wish can be used to get the exact number.

I haven’t listed all of the items I came up with for my campaign. I don’t want the players to know what they are yet.

See the books for items not in the list.

item exp gold pieces worth if sold

chain +4 2800 14,500
chain +5 3600 16,900
chain +6 4800 18,000 (unique)

leather +2 650 5,000
leather +3 1100 7,000
leather +4 1600 9,000
leather +5 2100 10,500
leather +6 3200 12,000 (unique)

ring mail +3 2100 6,000
ring mail +4 2900 7,500
ring mail +5 3500 9,200
ring mail +6 4800 12,000 (unique)

scale mail +4 2900 7,500
scale mail +5 3500 9,200
scale mail +6 4800 12,000 (unique)

splint +5 4100 21,000
splint +6 5000 23,000 (unique)

studded leather +2 750 3,400
studded leather +3 1050 6,500
studded leather +4 1175 7,600
studded leather +5 2300 9,000
studded leather +6 3300 11,700 (unique)

shield +3/ +5 vs. missiles 1200 7,000

arrow +4 110 675
arrow +5 165 1,012
arrow +6 200 1,518 (unique)

battle axe +1/ +3 vs. Ogres, Orcs, and Hobgoblins 900 4,250
battle axe +2 900 5,200
battle axe +3 1800 8,000
battle axe +4 2700 10,800
battle axe +5 3600 13,600
battle axe +6 4500 15,400 (unique)

bolt +1 20 120
bolt +3 75 300
bolt +4 110 450
bolt +5 165 675
bolt +6 225 790 (unique)

bow +2 1200 5,000
bow +3 2880 6,424
bow +4 3700 8,250
bow +5 4753 10,599
bow +6 (unique) 6106 13,610

dagger +3 vs. small /+2 vs man-sized/+1 vs. large 275 1,800
dagger +2/+3 vs cold-using creatures 500
dagger +3 300 3,000
dagger +4 450 4,000
dagger +5 650 5,500
dagger +6 800 6,800 (unique)

flail +2 1000 9,000
flail +3 1552 13,000
flail +4 2400 15,750
flail +5 3600 17,650
flail +6 4500 19,550 (unique)

hammer +4 2100 18,000
hammer +5 3100 26,000
hammer +6 4200 32,000 (unique)

heavy crossbow +1 750 2,700
heavy crossbow +2 1000 4,000
heavy crossbow +3 1350 5,925
heavy crossbow +4 1500 7,200
heavy crossbow +5 1800 8,100
heavy crossbow +6 2300 11,000 (unique)

javelin +1 500 3,400
javelin +3 1100 7,500
javelin +4 1700 11,600
javelin +5 3300 15,700
javelin +6 3900 19,800 (unique)

light crossbow +2 500 2,000
light crossbow +3 1000 3,000
light crossbow +4 1500 4,000
light crossbow +5 2000 5,000
light crossbow +6 2500 6,000 (unique)

mace +3 1400 14,000
mace +4 1800 16,000
mace +5 1950 18,000
mace +6 2300 20,000 (unique)

military pick +2 525 3,750
military pick +3 780 5,625
military pick +4 1200 7,800
military pick +5 2100 10,000
military pick +6 3300 12,000 (unique)

morning star +2 900 7,000
morning star +3 1200 9,360
morning star +3/+5 vs. magic-using and enchanted creatures 1690 11,500
morning star +4 1500 11,200
morning star +5 2800 12,800
morning star +6 4100 15,000 (unique)

scimitar +1 360 2,880
scimitar +3 1560 12,500
scimitar +4 3250 20,000
scimitar +5 6000 28,125
scimitar +6 12500 36,000 (unique)

sling +2 500 5,000
sling +3 1000 6,500
sling +4 1400 7,300
sling +5 1900 8,400
sling +6 2300 9,500 (unique)

spear +4 3000 15,000
spear +5 4500 18,000
spear +6 6200 21,000 (unique)

sword +6 4500 22,500 (unique)



xpgp is prorated by me from 0.1 up to 2 times. This depends on difficulty of the encounter, what they had to do to defeat any monsters, how many characters tried valiantly and died anyway, etc. I had a Sinclair ZX81 program, and later on an AmigaBASIC program, to help me calculate this. It went out to 4 decimal places, as I knew that the fractions add up. The xp/gpxp sheet I gave the players the following week, showed 2 decimal places.

The majority of the time, it was 0.3 to 1.0 times the total gp value, then divided up by number of characters.

So if two encounters were the same monsters, but one encounter was difficult for the characters, then that group got a higher percentage.

If the encounter was easy, the percentage was low.

Same with monster xps. I had a chart, not sure which box it is in right now, which had an area in the middle of the chart where the characters got what the monster gave for killing it.

Above that, the percentage went up. Below that, one fighter killing 5 giant rats as an example, the percentage of xp the character got was low.

Most of the players, with the exception of some game store Monty Haulers, liked the system once they understood it.

The home game players were happy to get 0.67 xp from one adventure… they happened to find some magicked Fool’s Gold coins, that turned to lead when they got back to town. They sold it, and got the 0.67 gpxp per character.


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