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 Falla Keep, Map 7, Fondfield, Trillolara

Door 23)

6 depressions in a circle at the large yellow arrow:

the depressions are one inch across, in a 1 foot circle.

to open: touch top circle

to close: touch bottom circle

to exit from Room GG and door is closed, push up on door on a 1-2 in 6

Room GG) 60’ × 30’ × 40’ ( 72,000 cubic feet)

yellow mold where marked
no treasure

Door 22)

CE touch or Dispel Magic of at least 7th level

Room HH) 20’ × 90’ × 20’ – 30’ × 90’ × 20’

Barracks are for 50 Chaotic Evil men fighters, 42 are level zero Men-At-Arms

21 Men-at-Arms: long bows, 20 arrows, long sword, chain mail, helm

21 Men-at-Arms: 3 spears, long sword, foot soldier’s mace, chain mail, helm

6 Serjeants, level 1 fighters: 3 javelins each, long sword, 4 monster burn oil flasks, banded mail, shield

2 Lts., level 3 fighters: banded mail, two-handed swords, 5 vials Unholy water, Dagger poisoned blade SR -1

The ballista has 75 bolts.

food and water barrels in the room

1d8 copper pieces, 1d4 silver pieces for each third bunk searched

There are 13 men-at-arms in the passageways leading to this room. They will attack from the rear if the party doesn’t find them first.

Room II) 150’ × 120’ × 40’ (720,000) training room

the white pads are training areas

Categories South Hemisphere


 Falla Keep, Map 10, Fondfield, Trillolara

Room UU) 120’ × 120’ × 10’ ( 144,000 cubic feet)

100 giant rats The group of giant rats by the exit will run away and try to reach the vampires.
At least one of the vampires will turn gaseous and investigate.

Categories South Hemisphere


 Falla Keep, Map 12, Fondfield, Trillolara

Door 37) trap !

grayish fog where marked. Will give a vague Trap response to Find Traps, etc. A Sphere of Annihilation is mounted on the wall.

Door 38)

just the fog.

Room DDD) 70’ × 30’ × 40’ ( 84,000 cubic feet)

statue of a woman 5’ tall. Greyish-green robes, facing away from the entrance door The statue is on a3’ high pedistal. for reaction to anything: 1d10 1) +2 Intelligence ( permanent )
2) -1 Intelligence ( permanent)
3) scratches her left shoulder

4) Magic Missle 3d4 + 3 hp to random character
5) causes nearest gnome or dwarf, roll if more than one, to feel
‘its hot in here’
6) Fireball 3d6 in area marked

7) Heal party of all hurt
8 ) +1 Dexterity ( permanent)
9) -3 Dexterity ( permanent)

10) Fear in one person, saving rolls apply as normal

Door 39)

just the fog, Dispel Magic at 12th level

Door 33, 34, 35, 36)

Vampire touch or Dispel Magic of 6th level or higher

Room EEE) 20’ × 30’ × 20’ ( 12,000)

4 coffins, a mummy in each under one of the coffins is:
2,285 gp ; three 5,000 gp gems ; Elf-size plate +2 ; Keoghtum’s Ointment 5 jars ;
Potion of Vampire Repel ( color is grey-green) 30’ radius for 1d4 + 4 turns

Room FFF) 20’ × 30’ × 20’ ( 12,000)

4 stone coffins with steel lids, a Vampire in each one Zran former Magic-User 10 human male
4 level 1, 4 level 2, 3 level 3, 2 level 4, 2 level 5 spells

Knod former Cleric 8 human female
5 level 1, 5 level 2, 3 level 3, 2 level 4
can turn Paladins

Branuur former Fighter 6 human male Aria former Thief 5th half-elf female
climb walls 90 percent

in reach coffin are six 500 gp garnets a hidden catch in each coffin, 10 percent chance to find per try under Zran’s coffin:
13,000 sp ; 5, 000 gp ; five 50 gp gems ; 5 10,000 gp
gems; five 10 gp gems ;
five 100 gp gems; Cloak of Elvenkind ; Shield +4 ;
Necklace of Prayer Beads ;
Potion of Fire resistance ; Scroll of 5 level 4 Druid spells

under Knod’s coffin: Long sword + 3 ( cursed, Wish to remove or user turns into a Vampire
after 3 months)
Broom of Animated Attack ; Gauntlets of Fumbling ;
Elf-sized Leather + 2 ;
Potion of Longevity ; 7,000 gp

under Branuur’s coffin:
Long Sword +2 ; 7,000 gp ; gnome-sized splint +2 ( cursed, owner gives off
an odor of lycanthropy, scares horses, cats, dogs. Limited Wish to remove curse)

under Aria’s coffin:
Long Sword +2 ; 500 pp ; 4,000 gp ; Keys of Sirillar ( will unlock all ordinary
locks. 20 percent chance, non cumulative, per key to unlock other locks. 100 keys
on the key ring, 1 segment to try each key )

Room GGG) 20’ × 20’ × 10’

four wood coffins, dirt on floor 4 Zombies in the coffins, one per coffin. They are disguised to look like Vampires. Turn as Vampires. five 100 gp gems in each coffin

Room HHH) 20’ × 20’ × 10’

four wood coffins, dirt on floor above each coffin is a disguised hole. living in each area above a hole are 2 Wights, turn as Mummies this area, marked in purple, has a divider of 3’ thick dividing it up. The holes are 4’ in diameter.
under one of the coffins is a hole: In the hole is a 6’ × 4’ × 2’ chest:
Battle Axe +1 ; 5,000 cp ; 2,000 ep ; 2,000 sp ; 3,000 gp ;
one 3,000 gp jewelry made of platinum and gems

Categories South Hemisphere


Another part of Zor continent in the Northern Hemisphere.

New map: January 29, 2019. Upped to 2000 pixels and names added later this day.

Polar regions at the top. Equator to the south. Karragh Bay to the left is part of the Kingdom of Ghesh. The Gloom is in both nations. It is an Evil place.

Ruined areas on the map: Blister, Charlie’s Henge, Chewed Up.

The crop lands are generically marked. Basic locations, villages and towns will be shown on smaller detailed maps. Ruined cities and anchorages added.

The Nomads in Gesh seldom cross the boarder into Bar-Ara Land.

Categories Zor, Bar-Ara Land

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