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Do’s and Don’ts.

Do these please.

1. Party unity is important.

2. How I word something could be very useful in the game. Like solving a puzzle, or finding the treasure, rescue the villager, etc.

3. If you are unsure your character is allowed an action under the rules, please ask me.

4. Good suggestions are a plus. If you don’t speak up, we will never know what you were going to say.


Please don’t do these.

1. Please, no arguing.

2. Please don’t cheat on your die/dice rolls.

Previous game sessions, 1980 through 1985, caused me to have to type these up.



Since there are 6 human groups on Crestar, some character classes/combos may not have all character classes available. Some live above the tree line, so druid character class may not be available, as an example.

Human multi-class is slightly different that of other character classes multi-classes.

Humans must do one level of the first class listed below, gaining second level. Then the second character class must be learned, and advance to second level. No adventuring in the first character class, until second level is reached in the second character class. When both classes are at second level, then human multi-class advances like other multi-class character races. The human must meet the stat and alignment requirements for both classes. Once both character classes are second level, then human multi-class advances the same as non-human multi-class characters. See the AD&D 1E PHB for details.

After reading a long discussion on Dragon’s Foot forums, I decided that one game month of training for the second multi-class for humans would be how I am ruling on this. This presumes the player character will be using some part of their first character class training time learning about the second character class. Therefore one game week will be added to training times for the first character class.

Categories Human, house rules


This character class is based on an article in Dragon magazine #56, also in Best of Dragon # III pages 56-58

arms, armor, and combat

hand axe, throwing axe, club, dagger, war hammer, javelin, knife, horseman’s mace, scimitar, sling, broad sword, long sword, short sword, and monster burn oil.

Can wear leather, magic leather, magic chain mail, and use a wooden shield. Attacks using fighter to hit table, but never gets multiple attacks per round nor can a minstrel use weapon specialization.

Starts with 2 weapons, at -4 to hit for non-proficiency, gain 1 weapon proficiency every 4 levels. of advancement.

magic items usable by this character class

potions, scrolls, rings, rods, wands, and miscellaneous magic items usable by all classes. Any books, librams, manuals, or tomes read by a minstrel have the same effects as on a druid. Can use the Rod of Beguiling, all types of the Horn of Valhalla, and instruments of the bards at the same level as 1E bards.

saving rolls

saves as a cleric, except saves as a magic-user versus paralyzation, poison, and death magic.

hit points are six-sided dice.

spells are limited.

Categories Minstrel, house rules


1. non-combat

movement           distance traveled               distance traveled
rate               in one game minute              in one game segment( 6 seconds)
 4"                         40'                                     4'
 6"                         60'                                     6' 
 9"                         90'                                     9'
12"                        120'                                    12'
15"                        150'                                    15'

Outdoors: 1” = 1 mile in one day of walking. This is subject to terrain, load carried, and weather.

2. combat, or melee, for 3 1/3 foot hexagon/squares

Movement                 clothing or             action
rate                       armor                 possible
15"                   normal clothing,           move 4, melee or missile
                      Bracers of Defense,        move 5 and no action
                      Monk, Barbarian            run 6, roll 4d6 vs. Dex or fall
12"                any magic armor or mail,      move 3, melee or missile
                   leather, elfin chain mail     move 4 and no action
                                                 run 5, roll 4d6 vs. Dex or fall
 9"                banded, chain mail,           move 2 or less and action
                   padded, ring, studded,        move 3 and no action
                   thief with Boots of           run 4, roll 4d6 vs. Dex or fall
                   Elvenkind moving
6"                bronze plate, field plate,     move 1 or none and action
                  full plate, plate, scale,      move 2 and no action
                  splint, thief moving silently  run 3 ; roll vs. Dex
4"                encumbered ( carrying          move zero and action
                  maximum weight load            move 1 and no action
                  for your character's strength) run 2 and roll vs. Dex

Turning around takes 1 hex/square of movement.

distances in hexes/squares:

1 hex = 3 1/3 feet; 2 = 6 2/3 feet; 3 = 10 feet; 4 = 13 1/3 feet; 5 = 16 2/3 feet; 6 = 20 feet; 7 = 23 1/3 feet; 8 = 26 2/3 feet; 9 = 30 feet; 10 = 33 1/3 feet; 11 = 36 2/3 feet; 12 = 40 feet; 13 = 32 1/3 feet; 14 = 46 2/3 feet; 15 = 50 feet; 18 = 60 feet; 21 = 70 feet; 27 = 90 feet; 30 = 100 feet.

Note on 15” movement rate:

A Barbarian can do this rate for up to 9 hours if the character has taken no damage. A Barbarian character can still move at this rate even if they have taken damage. Example: A Barbarian with 45 hit points has taken 23 hit points in damage. That is 9 hours times 0.51 = 4.59 hours can move at this rate.

All other character races can move a maximum of 1 hour at this rate. After the 6 turns, 1 hour, the character must slow to a 6” movement rate for 4 hours of walking, or sleep for 2 hours, before going back to the 15” movement rate. If the character continues at the 15” rate after 1 hour, the player must roll 4d6 vs. Constitution. failure means the character has collapsed. The character must rest for 4 hours after 3d10 + 5 rounds of unconsciousness.



Characters in this game can be surprised and be unable to do anything.

Some monsters use a die other than a d6.

Party (1d6)     monster (1d6)     result
3 to 6              3 to 6        no surprise
  1                   1           both surprised
  2                   2           both surprised
1 or 2              3 or 6        party surprised
3 to 6              1 or 2        monster surprised
  1                   2           party surprised
  2                   1           monster surprised

The length of surprise, in game segments, is the difference between the two rolls.

Example: The party rolls a 1 and the monster rolls a 6. The monster gets to attack for 5 combat segments; however, dexterity can lower that amount. And rangers, and others, roll separately for surprise.


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[ Copyright © by Jim, 1980-2050. All Rights Reserved. ]

[ Except where noted, and where copyrights are held by others. ]