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Player tells me they want to disbelieve and they roll a d20 die. Tell me the result, and I then tel the player if it is an illusion or not one. … of course, the player has to make the saving roll.



A character listens, and the player rolls a d20. A low roll is best. Player tells me what they rolled, and I will tell you what your character hears.

Loud noises will be heard automatically.

Number of characters that can         door
listen at a door                                   width
4                                                   10'
3                                                    8'
2                                                    6'
1                                              3' or 4'



We found this to slow down game play. So I came up with some rules for it.

The character must sleep 6 to 8 hours uninterrupted.

The character then studies, or prays, for 15 minutes per spell level.



These characters are rolled up using my new house rules.

Sargo, High elf Magic-User 1/Thief 1 HP 6, M-U 3 Level 1 spells. Thief skills: pick pockets 35%, open locks 20%, find traps 20%, move silently 20%, hide in shadows 20%, hear noise 15%, climb walls 85%

Welnar, Tallfellow Halfling Cleric 1/Thief 1 HP 7, Cleric 3 Level 1 spells, Thief skills: pick pockets 35%, open locks 30%, find trapts 25%, move silently 25%, hide in shadows 25%, hear noise 15%, climb walls 70%

Bren, Half-Elf ( high elf) Cleric 1/Fighter 1 HP 10, Cleric 3 Level 1 spells.

George Human Fighter 1 HP 10

Jaga Half-Elf (gray elf) Cleric 1/Ranger 1 HP 12 Cleric 5 level 1 spells.

Res-Nah, NPC Half-elf ( wood elf) Cleric 1/Fighter1 /Magic-User 1 HP 17 Cleric Spells: 4 Level 1 spells, M-U Spells: 3 Level 1 spells



Some Links


This game world has had a number of invasions and counter invasions. Some parts of it this has not happened.

Unless I mention it, female characters get the same maximum Strength as male characters. I’m not interested in hearing your justifications for this to not be possible.

The other 5 stats for a character stay the same.

Character class limits

Page 13 of the PHB. Character limits for levels are gone. Crestar isn’t a humanocentric world. And no, elves don’t dominate. See each character race/class page for the changes.

There are many more character classes and combinations on this site than are listed in the PHB ( Players’ Handbook).

Note that I think the justifications for character class limits in the books are rather silly. In OD&D, they go up past level 30.

armor and weapons

A character can use weapons in both the PHB and the UA. Buy a copy for reference.

Thief wearing armor and it affecting open locks, etc. Why ? I presume the thief would take off any gauntlets before searching a dungeon found chest for a lock and picking it. Of course, plate and banded would affect a number of things a thief does in this game. While I have seen video, on History channel, of people wearing plate turning cartwheels, that doesn’t mean a thief character wearing that could pick a lock and look for traps.

Character spells per day

Spells per day: each character class article on this site shows an increase. I have added some spells to use in the game. I hope to make the Illusionist more viable a character class.

Character experience bonus

Bonus XP: Illusionist; Int 16 or greater. 10%. Monk: Str 16 and Wis 16+ gain +10%.

Bard gets +10% bonus XP if their fighter or thief character class has the bonus.

Character class available spells

Available game spells: I hope to eventually list all of them available in my game world. The PHB and UA is a good start. There are some unofficial ones on this site. Some came from White Dwarf magazine, early issues.


We tried psionics and didn’t care for them. So they are not in use in my game world.

Treasure found

Treasure division after the adventure: All monies are divided up equally. Magic items are rolled for.

XP for Gold pieces. I calculate the XPGP equivalent for a treasure found by the characters. It is typically prorated according to difficulty of the encounter from 0.1 up to 2 times. 2 is rare and so is 0.1.

Typical would be 0.2 to 0.9.Surviving a dragon attack the characters would get 2 times XPGP.

Categories house rules, Page 05

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[ Copyright © by Jim, 1980-2050. All Rights Reserved. ]

[ Except where noted, and where copyrights are held by others. ]