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Spells per level per day.
"Welcome to Crest of a Star; these maps and other graphics are only for playing D&D type games. They are copyright and not to be used for other purposes. If you have them on your site, please remove them. Thank you."
Hi and welcome to my Crest of a Star site ! This site is my first edition AD&D materials.
I have added to the maps, people, etc. since I bought Campaign Cartographer 2 around 23 or so years ago. I now have CC3+ and all of its add-ons.
Link in the Home text at the top of this drop down will bring you back to the front page of this site.
My other rpg sites below.
Spells per level per day.
Bill George
Illusionist, house rules
Spells per level per day.
Bill George
Magic-User, house rules
Spells per level per day.
Bill George
Cleric, house rules
Re-write of the druid character class. No combat to go up a level. One Grand Druid per neutral religion. Probably by the time a druid reaches 23rd level, the previous occupant is likely to have retired or died of old age. For details not listed, read the 1E PHB page 21. I am working on a spell list for levels 8 and 9. And use d8 for hit points.
Spells per level per day re-write.
Bill George
Druid, house rules
After reading discussion in the Dragons’ Foot forums, this is my re-write of the monk character class.
1) get the non-fighter Con bonuses
2) get the Dex armor class bonus
3) d6 for hit dice. 2d6 hp for first level.
4) to hit as cleric.
5) save whichever is better: cleric or thief, for each row in the saving throw chart in the 1E DMG.
6) keep same xp table.
7) no combat to go up a level.
For details, you will need to look them up in the 1E PHB and DMG.
Bill George
Monk, house rules