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Shows the town. More details of the Inn, etc. will be added at a later date.

North is at the top of the map.

1) Inn
2) towers inside the walls
3) general store

4) town hall
5) barracks
6) fighter skills training school

7) non-fighter skills training school
8,) private homes
9) guard commander’s home

10) mayor’s home
11) potters
12) weapon makers

13) tax collector
14) Inn and General store employees.
15) garment makers; leather and cloth

16) abandoned
17) religious buildings
18) Bob John’s Boot and Shoe Shop

19) Zarg’s winter and summer clothing
20)Cralo’s Food and Garments Market. foods, cloth, regular clothing

21) Green building. Big Bill’s Rug and Tapestry Emprium ! Reconditioning and we sell cheap !

Categories Fondland, Bleak Town


Some Links

Few inhabitants in the northern reaches of Tanoria. Population centers in the mid and south lands.(Alignment: NG).

They receive, but wont acknowledge it, some protection on their east border by the forces in Teslarc.

The southern reaches are mostly barren with some broken keeps and a few abandoned castles. Various wanderers live here, but they try not to stay long.

Update: Dec 28, 2014:.

Categories South Hemisphere


Some Links

Humans 65,000
Dwarves, Hill 2,000
Elves, High 1,500
Elves, Wood 2,590
Half-elves, Gray 7,000
Half-elves, High 10,000
Half-elves, Valley 1,000
Half-elves, Wood 1,000
Halflings, Tallfellow 5,000
total 90,590
adventurers 1,811

(city and major town populations will be added later)

Categories South Hemisphere

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