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farm land: wheat, corn, rye, okra, onions, cantalope,
watermelon, cattle, tangerines, olives,
apricots, vegetables, typical farm animals

farm land on south region
farm land on central region
forests: scattered forested areas, mostly prairie with
some small areas of trees. Chustahk Forest has
been clear cut in several areas.

water: three rivers and a number of small streams
mountains: no mountains, but two ridges. One over a
hundred miles long running basically south
to north, the other consisting of broken
hills on a low rise running east to west not
far from the coast. No one lives on the
west side of the north-south ridge.

typical terrain: large gently sloping flat areas, one
long ridge, one ridge of broken hills.

Categories South Hemisphere, Tanoria


Some Links

An isolationistic feudal monarchy that ignores all those around them. They will attack anyone they perceive as invaders. Although they are not friendly to Trillolara, they are not enemies either. A trade route between Teslarc and Trillolara crosses the southern coast of Tanoria. They ignore it, but the pirates from the Isle of Fools attack it often.

Many Tanorians see the hills in the south region as the end of their lands. They are against the occasional militia forays into the coastal areas to attack the pirates.

Categories South Hemisphere


Some Links

A once beautiful city. Now a forsaken ruin. Home to many evil creatures.

The only remnants are buried under the debris of war. The holdings and castles there now were built by the various invaders, while the 2 brothers engaged in fighting over the throne.

The Undead are the remains of the Undead Horde that attacked Licieria, and sent a small group of 3 armies to this now backwater.

Each faction has carved out an area of influence… over nothing. Sometimes they fight, then just quit, as there isn’t much here to fight over. Probably more to keep in practice than for any gains they hope to achieve. No one controls the parts outside the areas of influence of each group. Best not to travel there, unless need requires it.

Gone are the magnificent in-laid tile boulevards, the mansions, the shops, thinking streetlights, talking doors, oh, what magnificence. If only a small part of the rumors were true about Yal, it would have been a wondrous sight to see !

All gone now to dust and ruin.

The city was about 6 miles across.

map of Yal, 190 x 192

Land of Strife entrance page

Categories South Hemisphere


The two sons murdered their father the King, and fight over who gets to be King. Each brother controls half of the nation. The dead capitol city is Yal and is now home to many evil creatures. The city, according to legend, was 10 miles across and made up of many tall and beautiful buildings. (Aligments: one brother is LE, the other is CE; the creatures in the city are various evil alignments.)

Tanoria is humans, elves, and half-elves.

Teslarc is good people, halflings, and gnomes.

Categories South Hemisphere, Land of Strife


Sargo Isle,
‘tis not the place,
for a ship and its crew to be,
somewhere out there,
on the Outer Ocean,
Its sands swallow ships and their cargo,
and sometimes the crew and passengers as well !

Ai !

Avoid the Sargo Isle,
if you can !

Some say it moves,
inside the fog that surrounds it,
out there,
on the Outer Ocean,
hunting for ships,
to have one or two for lunch,
and saving one for later,
for an inbetween meal snack !

Categories poem

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