
Corridors are 10 feet high.

Room 49) 70’ × 30’ × 40’ trap

see room 58 on this level Secret door: push left just inside door is a shield with a sketch map of Dtranyo Castle area

Room 50) 30’ × 40’ × 10’ barracks

7 fighter level 1 guards: plate, two-handed swords, long bows with 20 arrows each 5 food barrels, one is empty

Room 51) 50’ × 20’ × 20’ quarter of a sphere guard room

3 guards level zero: leather, shield, short swords East secret door: Bandit touch or Knock
West secret door: Bandit touch or Knock

Room 52) 20’ × 20’ × 60’ empty

( Why such a tall room ?
Sometimes there might be a gelatinous cube up there…)

Room 53) 50’ × 50’ × 90’ ( 225,000)

obviously illusional red dragon Its on the other side of a Gate… If the characters attack it, there is a 5 percent chance, cumulative per attack, that a young adult red dragon will come into this room from an alternate Prime material plane Secret door: Knock or Dispel Magic vs. 10th level

Room 54) 50’ × 20’ × 80’ trap

3 invisible ballistas one on North wall will fire a metal headed bolt at a ceramic monster
burn oil tank, holds 50 gallons, built into the west wall. The other 2 have flint heads, and will fire at the west wall. 10 percent each to strike a spark and set the monster burn oil on fire.

Room 55) 30’ × 60’ × 40’ (72,000)

North wall mural of a battle scene halflings vs. gnolls Hitting any of the gnolls will open the North wall secret door

Room 56) 20’ × 30’ × 30’ (18,000 cubic feet)

Green slime Chest: 6’ × 4’ × 3’: trapped with Fire Trap 1d4 + 10hp needles in lock cause pain but no poison
7 gp; 1800 pp; one 3,000 gp necklace
1 Magic-User scroll: 1) Magic Missile, 2) Knock, 3) Haste, 4) Ice Storm,
5) Cloudkill, 6) Stone to Flesh, 7) Phase Door

Room 57) 20’ × 10’ × 10’ empty

North one-way door: from South push left, from North Knock South secret door: push up

Room 58) 10’ × 50’ × 7’ – 6’ × 10’ × 7’ ( 3,920 cubic feet)

2 Magic-Users 6th level NE One sleeps while the other watches.
both have Dagger +3 Neutral Evil. No money. A small amount of food and water.

Room 59) 10’ × 10’ × 10’ empty

sign on East wall: “You’re too late !”

Room 60) 10’ × 10’ × 10’

Chest: halfling touch to open or 2 Knock spells
3 halfling size elf cloaks; 750 pp

Khilla Keep Map 8, Trillolara



Corridors are 10 feet high.

Room 61) 30’ × 30’ × 20’ ( 27,000)

carved on the floor in common:

“Boozers can’t be choosers
the directions of the four winds
are for “spelling” friends
Amber is but a Shadow
for a dhow up the River Invisible
is impossible you see !”

( The Invisible River is in The Great Open, much of the year it
doesn’t have much water in it. )

South Secret door: open touch of anyone with a S in their name
West Secret door: open touch of anyone with a W in their name
North Secret door: open touch of anyone with an N in their name

Room 62) 30’ × 20’ × 30’ empty

East secret door: Knock

Room 63) 70’ × 40’ × 36’ (100,800)

a blue line is drawn on the wall, 3’ above the floor,
around the entire room… it could be a high water mark…

a) East secret door: Knock or Dispel Magic vs. 6th level
b) East secret door: push down

Room 64) 20’ × 10’ × 10’ – 10’ × 10’ × 10’

3 Owlbears

North secret door: push left

West secret door: Knock or Dispel Magic vs.

Room 65) 30’ × 30’ × 50’ (45,000) empty

East secret door: push left
South secret door: Knock or Dispel Magic vs. 6th level
North secret door: push right

Room 66) 40’× 30’ × 30’ (36,000 cubic feet)

North wall: painting of a black horse

Nystul’s Magic Aura on horse

Room 67) 50’ × 20’ × 30’ (30,000)

Green slime on ceiling

spiral stairs going down

Room 68) 20’ × 30’ × 10’

5 Owlbears

Room 69) approximate dimensions: 10’-40’ × 30’-90’ × 10’

Secret Door: Knock or Dispel magic vs. 9th level

5 Scarecrows ( Fiend Folio)

Room 70) 40’ × 30’ × 10’ empty

Room 71) 20’ × 10’ × 10’ – 10’ × 10’ × 10’ (3,000)

Gelatinous cube is under the fake floor

The floor is covered by paper and supported by thin wood in such a way
as a probe by a staff will not give the ‘cube’s location away, but a
sword will. The ‘cube extends down 30’.

At the bottom of the 30’ high gelatinous cube is:
800 gp; 900 ep; 3,000 sp; dagger +1; Long sword +3;
elf-size plate +2; Magic-User Scroll: 3 Magic Missile spells written at 14th

The area to the left is covered by a Permanent Illusion

If any fall in or an attack is made on the ‘cube,
a tentacle will seem to sprout from the left hand
illusioned wall. Must SR vs. Magic at -5

If fail to save, will fall face forward into the 10’ × 10’ × 10’ area,
the footwear will look as if the character is being dragged into
this small area.

If make the SR, the character will scream in fear and leap backwards, falling into
the ‘cube’s pit.

All of this is enabled by a Permanent Programmed Illusion and a Permanent
Phantasmal Force to show a horrorfying green putrescent humanoid
with a third arm growing out of its chest, in the small area.

Chest: 2’ × 6’ × 4’ Fire Trap 12d4 +12 hp Magic-User Scroll all spells at 12th level 1) Fire Trap, 2) Fireball,
3) Flash 8d6 ( from a magazine), 4) Cone of Fire, 5) Unseen Servant,
6) Unseen Servant Permanent
three 3,000 gp gems;
Wand of Detect Evil: command word is “Well ?” 97 charges,
usable by Cleric Magic-User or Fighter of LG CG or LN alignments,
its 15 inches long and 2 inches in diameter, 5 percent of user’s
level below the evil present to fool the user into believing its not evil
until the user is 10th level, jeweled case worth 2,500 gp of gems set
in leather case padded with velvet. Case is 16 inches long and
2.5 inches in diameter

Room 72) 30’ × 30’ × 10’

damp walls, small water puddles on floor

Room 73) 40’ × 16’ × 10’

6 Owlbears

East secret door: Elf touch or Knock
West secret door: push left

Room 74) 80’ × 10’ × 10’

7 barrels, rotted wood, decayed fruit and meat

Room 75) 10’ × 12’ × 30’ (3600 cubic feet)


Scroll marked CY: 1)Cure Light wounds, 2) Aaron’s Rod ( from a magazine),
3) Find Traps, 4) Detect Good
Scroll marked GW: 1) Locate Self, 2) Pass Without Trace, 3) Detect Snares and Traps
Scroll marked GL: 1) Identify, 2) Push, 3) Amaze, 4) Netzabar’s Olfactory Delight,
Scroll marked R: 1) Air-Mirror ( from a magazine), 2) True Sight, 3) Dispell Illusion
75 pp; 360 gp; 3,000 sp

Netzabar’s Olfactory Delight is from an early White dwarf article.

Room 76) 20’ × 30’ × 20’

dust everywhere, could be, from the shapes left, rotted furniture

Room 77) 10’ × 10’ × 10’

Chest: 4’ × 2’ × 2’: Fire Trap 1d4 +12

750 pp; 3,600 gp; 3,000 sp; five 500 gp gems
( scrolls written at 12th level)
Scroll marked CY: 1) Cure Critical Wounds, 2) Blade Barrier, 3) Resurrection
Scroll marked GW: 1) Wall of Fire, 2) Fire Seeds, 3) Reincarnate
Scroll marked GL: 1) Cone of Cold, 2) Reincarnate, 3) Power Word Stun
Scroll marked Z: 1) Chaos, 2) True Sight, 3) Alter Reality

Khilla Keep Map 9, Trillolara



Corridors are 10 feet high.

Room 78) 50’ × 40’ × 10’ (20,000)

20 kobolds with short swords, no missile weapons
1 leader short sword +2
1 assistant leader short sword +1

they have: 250 cp; 300 sp; one 500 gp gem

Room 79) 20’ × 140’ × 7’ ( 19,600 cubic feet)

floor is covered with 6 inches of sand, making a nice home to:

2 sandmen (Fiend Folio)

characters who walk move rate is half normal.

Room 80) 40’ × 20’ high cylinder: semi-trap

magic pool:

any gold coins tossed in: roll a d20
result 1-11, the gold becomes platinum
result 12-20, the gold becomes lead

Room 81) 30’ × 30’ × 30’ (27,000)

Gray ooze on ceiling

Room 82) 30’ × 50’ × 30’ ( 45,000)

3 Fire toads ( Fiend Folio)

Room 83) 30’ × 70’ × 30’ (63,000)

mural on North wall of many colors splashed onto wall,
but there are no shades of green nor green

Nystul’s Magic Aura is cast on the mural

Room 84) 40’ × 30’ × 10’ (12,000)

3 Scarecrows (Fiend Folio)

Isle of Jester coins are worth more in Trillolara:
5,000 cp; 3,000 sp

Room 85) 10’ × 20’ × 10’

Secret door: human touch or Dispel Magic at 14th

chest: trapped with Delayed fireball 14d6 +14 hp
70 pp; Dagger +1; 1,000 sp;
Magic-User scroll: 1) Death Spell, 2) Acid Rain, 3) Air Breathing,
4) Anti-Magic Shell, 5) Bigby’s Grasping Hand, 6) Cloudkill,
7) Fly

Room 86) 30’ × 20’ × 20’ empty

Room 87) 20’ × 10’ × 10’ – 10’ × 20’ × 10’ empty

Room 88) 10’ × 10’ xz 10’ empty

Room 89) 10’ × 20’ × 10’

Chest: 7,000 gp

Secret Door: Knock or Dispel Wizard Lock at 10th level

Room 90) 90’ × 20’ × 10’ empty

Khilla Keep Map 10, Trillolara



Corridors are 10 feet high, except for two areas marked.

Room 110) 120’ × 70’ × 40’ ( 336,000 cubic feet)

5 Fire Toads from Fiend Folio

East door is 8’ wide and 15’ high

West secret door: push on door 10’ up from floor

pieces of human chain mail armor, weapons, and bones scattered on the floor
along with 200 sp; 50 gp

Room 111) 20’ × 30’ × 20’ (12,000)

Chest: 2’ × 2’ × 1’ with Nystul’s Magic Aura ( my players really hated this new spell…)
500 gp; 2,000 sp

Room 112) 60’ × 110’ × 15’ transparent maze !

5 Minotaurs ( extra strength from a Dragon magazine article)
each has one axe: 1d10 hp

both chests contain coins the characters have never seen before, 4-point stars ( all of these coins are considered curiosities and will bring 1 gold piece each, regardless of face value, to a collector. Nobody else will buy them. )

chest 1) 6’ × 6’ × 4’
3,000 cp; 1,875 sp; 375 ep

chest 2) 6’ × 6’ × 4’
3,000 cp; 1,875 sp; 375 ep

Room 113) 20’ × 40o’ x 40’ dust everywhere, otherwise empty

North secret door: 20’ above the floor:
Magic-User touch or Knock or Dispel magic vs. 14th level

Room 114) 60’ × 30’ × 20’

8 gorbels ( Fiend Folio)

Chest; locked; has Leomund’s trap on it

5,000 cp; 4,000 sp; 3,000 ep; 2,000 gp; 1,000 pp

Khilla Keep Map 11, Trillolara



Corridors are 10 feet high, except those areas marked.

Room 115) 80’× 50’ × 20’ (80,000 cubic feet)

everyone in here is in a time suspension, they will come out of it
when the character party enters the room

20 Guards, level 1 fighters, chain, shield, long swords,
composite long bows, 12 arrows each

3 clerics, CN, level 3, chain, shield, foot soldier’s mace, 5 monster burn oil,
1 Magic-User, N, level 4, dagger +2, staff, cloak

4 barrels food, 3 of water.

some of them are standing, some are sitting

small chest: 20 sp; 75 gp

North secret door: push up from either direction

East secret door: push left

South secret door: Nomad touch or knock

Room 116) 60’ × 70’ × 10’

5 Owlbears

North secret door: push left
Southeast secret door: Knock or Dispel Magic vs. 10th level
Southwest secret door: Knock or Dispel Magic vs. 7th level

Room 117) 20’ × 10’ × 10’

chest: trapped by Fireball: 10d6 hp Dispel Magic vs. 10th
locked, has carry handles, 4’ × 6’ × 4’ chest
7,000 gp; 7,000 ep

Room 118) 10’ × 10’ × 10’

chest: trapped by Fireball: 7d6 hp Dispel Magic vs. 7th
locked, has carry handles, 4’ × 6’ × 4’ chest
10,000 gp; 10,000 ep

Room 119) 20’ × 50’ × 10’ dusty, stale air

rotted items: bed, chest with clothing, chair, table, bench;
broken glassware; 2 brass candlesticks worth 2 gp each.

Secret Door: touch by NG or Knock or Dispel vs. 7th

Room 120) 10’ × 10’ × 10’ in time stasis

3 ghouls

Secret door: Knock or Dispel Magic vs. 10th level

Room 121) 40’ × 20’ × 20’ empty

East secret door: Knock or Dispel Magic vs. 6th
South Secret door: push up

Room 122) 30’ × 30’ × 30’ (27,000)

3 gargoyles on perches near ceiling
on floor is scattered 20 gp and bones

East secret door: push left
North secret door: Knock or Dispel Magic vs. 6th

Room 123) 30’ × 30’ × 30’

3 illusional gargoyles on perches near ceiling
on floor is scattered 20 gp and bones

South secret door: push left

Room 124) 10’ × 40’ × 30’ empty

Room 125) 10’ × 20’ × 10’ in time stasis

if any fighting starts in room 115, then these fighters will attack
by entering room 115 from the North.

6 Fighters level 4, CN, banded mail, bastard swords, 3 daggers each

Room 126) 10’ × 30’ × 10’

water skins on floor, empty food packages like iron rations,
looks like some group just left

East secret door: push down

Khilla Keep Map 12, Trillolara


Copyright by me, Jim. 1980-2050

Unless held by others.