
Corridors are 10 feet high

Room 127) 40’ × 10’ × 15’ faint smell of apricots

pieces of armor, broken shields, crushed helms,
chips of stone knocked out of walls.
East secret door: Ogre touch or Knock

Room 128) 60’ × 50’ × 15’ ( 45,000)

9 Ogres, giant hammer 2d4 +1 hp extra strength magazine article 7 barrels of human flesh, barrels are 4’ × 5’ high
3 barrels of water

chest: 6’ × 6’ × 6’
7,000 cp; 6,000 sp; 5,000 ep; 4,000 gp; 800 pp;
four 100 gp gems; three 500 gp gems; two 1,000 gp jewelry ;
one 5,000 gp gem

Room 129) 30’ × 30’ × 30’ – 20’ × 30’ × 20’ + 30’ × 20’ × 30’ (57,000) trap

Originally a robing room for the temple.
1 Necrophid[l]ius ( bad handwriting on original page, monster is
on page 67 of the Fiend Folio)

stone closet with 4 stone pegs on north wall

triangular block is a trap:
if moved a hissing sound is heard and the exit doors become locked by
3 steel bolts. ( 2 Knocks to remove)

After 5 minutes a greenish gas starts pouring into the room at
1000 cubic feet per minute ( gas fills room 129 in 57 minutes)
fill rooms 129 and room 130

if block is moved back, it will shatter and water starts pouring into
the room at 100 gallons per minute. If will come into the room from 100
wall and floor openings.

The water will not go beyond rooms 129, 130, and 134.

The gas is harmless, but the water can drown anyone in here.

Note that the doors exiting from room 130 can be opened,
but the water wont go out into rooms 131 and 133.

Room 130) 80’ × 90’ × 20’ Abbey of the Lesser of Two Evils NE

Northwest secret door: push left
Southwest secret door: push right
both doors are 2’ thick stone doors

Alter detects as evil and is bright red.
pillars are painted crimson, 4’ diameter and go from floor to ceiling
floors, walls, and ceiling are gray
no blood groove on alter

Unless alter desecrated, nothing will happen.

Any damage done to alter returns, one for one, to character doing damage.

Alter will take 100 hit points before it falls apart.

Room 131) 10’ × 38’ × 10’

dust and numerous footprints, but so mixed and over trodden
no useful information can be determined.
North secret door: Knock or evil touch
East secret door: Knock

Room 132) 26’ × 10’ × 7’ stops water and gas in room 129

two levers, 2’ of vertical travel for each slot in wall.
at top of each lever slot, its says ‘OFF’ in Nomad.
The levers are in the down position.
left lever controls the non-toxic green gas, move lever up and gas goes back
into holding tanks
right lever controls the water, move lever up and water drains off to room 211 in map 15.

Room 133) 10’ × 38’ × 10’

dust and numerous footprints, but so mixed and over trodden
no useful information can be determined.
South secret door: Knock or evil touch
East secret door: Knock

Room 134) 50’ × 20’ × 10’ ( 20,000) home to 3 Shadows

3 shadows live in the 3 coffins at the south end of the room ( former clerics)
Northwest chest: locked: 6’ × 4’ × 4’ 700 pp; three 5,000 gp gems;
Scroll at 14th: 1) Detect Good, Light, 3) Cause Fear, 4) Command,
5) Resist Cold. Scroll at 15th: 1) Augury, 2) Find Traps, 3) Hold Person,
4) Know Alignment.
Scroll at 14th: 1) Continual Light, 2) Dispel Magic, 3) Feign Death,
4) Locate Object
Scroll at 18th: 1) Lower Water, 2) Remove Paralyzation,
3) Speak with Dead, 4) Prayer
Scroll at 16th: 1) Flame Strike, 2) Flame Strike, 3) Plane Shift,
4) Quest
Scroll at 14th: 1) Heal, 2) Part Water, 3) Stone Tell
Scroll at 20th: 1) Astral Spell, 2) Gate, 3) Resurrection
Northeast chest: locked: 6’ × 4’ × 4’
10,000 gp; 12,000 sp

Khilla Keep Map 13, Trillolara



Corridors are 10 feet high

Room 135) 30’ × 40’ × 10’

7 Owlbears North secret door: barred/blocked from the other side.

Room 136) 10’ × 10’ × 80’

voice triggered trap: any entrance by creatures from the south will cause spears
to drop from the ceiling. 2d8 +12 hp each due to height ( 10 spears) Secret doors: Knock

Room 137) 40’ × 40’ × 7’ (11,200)

Crypt Thing (Fiend Folio)
Will turn up to half of the party invisible, then it will vanish Sits in an elaborately carved ebony chair (9,850 gp) ( 2000 gp weight) Spiral carved columns to either side of a style common 200 years ago. Columns are alabaster ( 9,346 gp wt each: worth 5,000 – 20,000 gp depending on condition Tapestry north wall: 7’ high x 20’ long ( weighs 4,500 gp wt) platinum, electrum, gold, and silver threads depicting a stylized dragon, worth 11,000 gp. The two gem eyes of the dragon are worth 1,200 gp each

Room 138) 20’ × 20’ × 10’

3 Owlbears

Room 139) approx: 80’ × 100’ × 30’ at center Cave

invisible heavy crossbows: when someone talks, the closest crossbow to that person glows and aims at the talker. A change to a different character as the talker, changes the character being aimed at. Crossbows fire if a character gets within 10’ of it. Each can fire 5 times, once per round. small and man-sized: d4+5 hp hit as 5th level fighter Can only be destroyed by magic fire, magic cold, or magic weapons Attacking a crossbow also causes it to fire.

Room 140) 30’ × 20’ × 90’

entire room floor is a pressure plate ( triggered by 700 pounds) releases a weight from ceiling, perforated so no air compression occurs has steel spears on it. 3d6 +10 hp to each victim

Room 141) 40’ × 30’ × 20’

chest: 6’ × 6’ × 4’
wires leading to ceiling, if broken releases a gas of poison, save at -4, fills room, dissipates in 2 days Scroll protected with Explosive Runes: Wish

Khilla Keep Map 14, Trillolara



Corridors are 10 feet high

Room 209) 50’ × 20’ × 10’

dusty, no footprints

Room 210) 30’ × 100’ × 50’ ( 150,000 cubic feet)

6 Trolls extra strength from an article in Dragon magazine

Room 211) 60’ × 120’ × 60’ ( minus stairs 349,000 cubic feet) (water is 381,720 cubic feet)

3 water weirds

water is clear

fake treasure chest on platform has 100 gp in it.

Its a trap: a wire goes from the back of the chest to the wall
behind it. If the chest is moved or the wires cut, a stone cover
will move aside behind the chest. After 5 minutes water will start
down the revealed tunnel at 40-50 miles per hour and rush out
into this room. Anyone or anything on the platform will be
knocked off into the water.

The room will fill up to within 10 feet of the door.
I gave a small percentage change the wire was partially mithral, about 6 inches of it. Very rare in my game world. The player characters got paid 5,000 pp for it.
Secret door: Knock

On the bottom of the room:
3 elf-size chain mail +2; 2 human size plate +3;
Long sword +3 LG ( I14 Ego 7), Detect Slope in Passage 1” radius,
Detect precious metals kind amount 2” radius, Speaks LG
Gold Dragon Lammaesu and Common.
Bastard Sword +5 Holy Avenger LG
Bucknard’s Everful purse type 3; Ring of Invisibility; Ring of
Protection +3 (AC and SR); Gnome splint +3; Leather +3;
Foot soldier’s mace +2; Bag of Holding type 2; War hammer +4;
Dagger +2/+3 vs. cold-using creatures; Periapt of Balancing;
Ring of Infravision;

1,700 pp; 3,000 gp; 5,000 sp;
4,000 ep; ten 50 gp gems; nine 100 gp gems; eight 500 gp gems;
seven 1,000 gp gems

Room 212) 110’ × 20’ × 20’ – 20’ × 10’ × 20’ (48,000)

Secret door:
from west: 2 Knocks
from East: push anywhere on door

Room 213) 20’ × 10’ × 20’

Trolls in room 210 toss some of their victims and all non-edible items
into the water. Secret door: push left

Room 214) 30’ × 20’ × 10’ time stasis room

7 Owlbears Secret door: push left

Khilla Keep Map 15, Trillolara

Khilla Keep Map 15, Trillolara, large side view on large Map 15 page above.



A loose confederation of nomadic peoples that live on The Great Open (Alignments: N, CN, CE)

These are the Barbarian clans I created for my campaign.

There are 10 clans; Bear, Eagle, Star, Badger, Wolf, Shard, Talon, Marten, Buzzard (CE), and Otter.

Note: Just to make sure we are using the same word, Martin is a bird, Marten is a mammal.

The Buzzard clan lives in a rocky area, very little in the way of resources. Think of them as scavengers. Note that they are not too careful to take from those who are already dead… sometimes they assist the living into death so there will be something to scavenge.

Map at the bottom of this page: maps at this scale don’t show details. But the Nomad clans are mostly in the areas shown. ( map is in progress. )

Somewhere in this vast open area is the long fallen into ruins capital of Licieria. Yes, the circles and diamond shapes could be it. There are several of them. And maybe Licieria isn’t one of the areas marked on the map.

Forests and rivers aren’t marked at this scale; however, the majority of the Nomad areas are open plains.

The yellow diamond is where the clans gather for a conclave, typically every 5 years, but that isn’t a hard rule. This is near the top of the map.

If the Buzzard clan is guarding anything, none have returned to tell tales of it.

A. primary ability changes and adjustments 1. climb cliffs and trees clan a. Bear +10 percent b. Eagle +12 percent c. Star + 2 percent d. Badger – 5 percent e. Wolf -10 percent f. Shard zero g. Talon – 3 percent This is an NPC clan h. Marten zero i. Buzzard + 7 percent This is an NPC clan j. Otter zero 2. leaping and springing a. Wolf clan +1 foot b. all others zero
B. secondary abilities and adjustments 1. First aid a. The woodland clans; Bear, Eagle, and Star; can heal plus one hp in the woods. b. The plains clans; Badger, Wolf, Talon; can heal plus one hp on the plains. c. All other clans heal normally no matter where they are located. 2. Tracking ( base chance can never rise above 115 percent ) a. The woodland clans are at +5 percent to track in a forest. b. The plains clans are at +5 percent to track on the plains. c. The Shard clan is at +5 percent to track in rocky areas. d. The Marten clan has normal chances. e. Any Barbarian, with a shaman prepared medicine bundle, can track in his or her specialty area at +5 percent. The bundle costs 2,500 gold pieces and a one month fasting and preparation by both the Barbarian and that clan’s shaman.
C. Tertiary skills 1. animal handling a. The Wolf clan has wolves for pets instead of dogs. Most villages, farms, towns, etc. wont allow wolves to enter. You might be able to locate, now and again, an area that allows your wolf in, but don’t count on this happening often. A player character Barbarian can obtain a wolf from their clan after reaching sixth level. This requires a journey back to the home clan and a d20 roll versus spell every 2 weeks until a wolf decides to join your character as a traveling companion. The player character must then spend one month of game time training their new traveling companion. b. All other clans have dogs. The NPC Talon clan has Perrigrine Falcons. All player characters must undergo the same steps to gain their dog traveling companion, as the Wolf clan does to gain their wolf. 2. Horsemanship clan a. Badger 85 percent plus 1 percent/level above first level b. Eagle 86 percent plus 1 percent/level above first level c. Talon (NPC) 90 percent plus 1 percent/level above first level d. Bear & Star 65 percent e. Marten & Otter 50 percent f. Shard 40 percent g. Buzzard (NPC) 30 percent h. Wolf zero 3. long distance signaling a. mirror – Badger, Shard, and Wolf b. drum – Bear, Eagle, and Talon c. smoke – Marten and Buzzard d. horn – Otter and Star 4. Running Badger, Star, and Wolf 5. Small craft, paddled a. Otter b. Marten has 15 percent chance to learn 6. Small craft, rowed Marten 7. Sound imitation Any Barbarian can imitate sounds from their home area. clan area a. Badger plains b. Bear woods c. Buzzard (NPC) hills d. Eagle woods e. Marten hills/water f. Otter plains/water g. Shard rock h. Star woods i. Talon (NPC) plains j. Wolf plains 8. snares: Any Barbarian can make a snare of familiar materials. 9. Swimming a. known by Marten and Otter clans. b. Badger, Eagle, Star, and Wolf clans can learn how to swim at the same chances as a non-Barbarian human. c. Other clans are nervous during water travel and cannot learn how to swim. There is a -15 percent morale adjustment for water travel of any type. 10. clan dislikes a. The Badger, Eagle, and Talon clans dislike the Wolf clan. b. All clans dislike the Buzzard clan. Its rumored that some of the Buzzard clan members dislike their own clan.

Categories Old Crestar

Copyright by me, Jim. 1980-2050

Unless held by others.