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This abandoned keep is near, and to the southeast of, Quasqueton.

Note: This was my third attempt to build a dungeon scenario. It shows. Some of it was interesting, but putting Nomads, horse warriors, deep underground was dumb. Brigands of various fighter levels would have been a better idea.

This scenario started out easy and got difficult far too quickly.

My regular players didn’t all have characters that could survive this adventure, but a good group of the correct levels can survive… mostly.

There aren’t any missing room numbers, the lack of some numbers is due to the way it was drawn up.

Some maps have been fixed up a bit. They have also been added to the zip file on the downloads page. Dec, 2016.

Categories South Hemisphere


“The Best for The Best !”

Lori is a female elf, and runs this with 2 elf guards.

alphabetized item/price list
Other items, use prices in the PHB.

Weapons and armor are marked with an ‘’*’‘ in the left-most column.

I forget where I got the info on some of these non-PHB weapons, probably from articles in Dragon or White Dwarf magazines. Its possible I got the info from one of the Judge’s Guild city-state modules.

artan:  5 gp [ for 5'' spears, weighs 50 gp wt., otherwise as atlatl.]
atlatl: 6 gp [ for 6'' to 7'' spears. 4.5'' long, weighs 70 gp wt. firing rate 1/round,
                   range: Short 1.5", Medium 2.5", Long 3.5"; space required 3'';
                   speed factor is 6; to hit AC 10 +1, 9 + 1, 8 + 1, 7 +1, 6 +0,
                   5 -1, 4 -1, 3 -2, 2 -2. ]
*chakrum: one is 80 gp [ for chaotic alignments only. 4-5 inches across; weighs 3 gp wt;
                         firing rate is 3/round; Range: Short: 1", Medium: 2", Long: 3"
                         space required is 3''; damage is Small 1d6, Man-sized 1d5, Large 1d4;
                         speed factor is 2; to hit AC 10 + 1, 9 + 0, 8 + 1, 7 +0, 6 -1,
                         5 -2, 4 -3, 3 -4, 2 -5.]
*crossbow strings same cost as long and short bow strings
*harpoon, 7'':  15 gp
*helmet, Dartan                                18 gp [ head gets AC 2 ]
       , Celtan [ nose guard, cheek pieces ]   12 gp [ head gets AC 3 ]
       , Bartan [ nose guard only ]            10 gp [ head gets AC 4 ]
       , Ertan  [ cap ]                              4 gp [ head gets AC 5 ]
*javelin, 5'  10 gp
handkerchief, 2'' x 2'': 6 cp
lantern, bull''s-eye  14 gp [ beam is 10'' x 80'' ]
       , hooded       6 gp [ light in a 30'' radius ]
pioneer kit 8 gp ( one 3/4 felling axe, 1 shovel, 1 pick, two 50'' x 5/16 inch rope )
                 [ note for climbing you will need a rope whose diameter is 7/16 inch,
                   5/16 inch rope can be used to raise and lower equipment or tie up
                   a small boat. ]
*sling, staff:  2 gp
socks, shoe, 1 pair: 3 cp
    , boot, 1 pair: 7 cp

Categories South Hemisphere


P1, P2, P3, and P4 are halfling and gnome rooms.
D1 and D2 are dorm rooms.

Not shown are 3 outdoor ovens. Employee stools have seat cushions.

The water buckets are for fire fighting. Restrooms are outdoor privies.

Rooms: dorm room 1 and 2 at 2 cp. 20 rooms for dwarves, elves, half-elves, halflings, and humans at
2-5 gp each; suites for same folks at 10-15 gp each. Rates are per night. [ the variance
in room rent is by quality and quantity of furniture. 5 gp rooms can sleep 4-6 people,
2 gp rooms sleep 1-2. 5 gp rooms that sleep 1-2 have rather nice furniture, usually
used by merchants. ]


    Soup or Stew:

      beef and barley, bowl   3 cp
      frog and toad, bowl     3 gp
       [ no refunds for ‘due to the unexptected’. ]
      trout stew, bowl        3 cp
        w/bisquits (5)        5 cp
      crayfish chowder, bowl  1 sp
      venison stew, bowl      4 sp
      mutton pie, 1 serving   3 sp
      squab stew, bowl        1 sp
      bean soup, bowl         1 cp

      Main Courses:
       chicken, broiled    3 sp
       pheasant, baked     5 gp
       rabbit, fried       1 sp 5 cp
       salad, large        5 sp
            , w/cheese     8 sp
            , w/meat       2 gp
      poached trout       7 sp
      venison             5 gp
      mutton              3 gp
      squab, 3            2 gp

      [ All stews and soups come with crackers and a soup spoon.
All main courses come with bread, butter, plate, spoon, fork, and knife. ]

Drink: Pastries:

Ale, pint 5 cp cake, small, sugar 7 cp 1 sp strawberry short-cake 7 sp [ in season ] Beer, pint 3 cp cookies 2 cp each Wine, pint 9 sp cakes, 2 layer 2 sp Ice tea 2 cp , w/frosting 5 sp Lemonade 3 sp mint cakes 2 sp mead 1 gp pies 3 sp wine, sunflower, 1 pint 1 gp [ rhubarb, peach, apple, pecan, black cheery ] , fireamber, 1 glass 1 pp carrot cake 3 sp bread, half a loaf 3 cp

Quick Snacks:

black bread and cheese 1 sp [ one pound of cheese ] toasted 1 sp 5 cp cheese and butter toast 3 sp cheese sandwich 4 sp toasted 4 sp 5 cp bowl of dried apricots 3 sp [ in season ]


grain for your horse is 1 sp/day or 1 gp 8 sp per month – a savings of 2 sp
stable for your horse is 5 cp per day or 12 sp per month – a savings of 3 sp
horse shoes, riding horse 1 sp each , heavy war horse 10 sp each , light war horse 4 sp each , medium war horse 7 sp each horse shoeing, riding horse 1 sp , heavy war horse 2 gp , light war horse 1 gp , medium war horse 1 gp 10 sp [ shoeing is per horse not per shoe ]

Categories South Hemisphere


P5, P6, P7, and P8 are human and half-elf rooms.
M1, M2, and M3 are Merchant rooms.

P9, P 10, and P 11 are for adventuring parties.

The water buckets are for fire fighting.
Restrooms are outdoor privies.

Rooms: dorm room 1 and 2 at 2 cp. 20 rooms for dwarves, elves, half-elves, halflings, and humans at
2-5 gp each; suites for same folks at 10-15 gp each. Rates are per night. [ the variance
in room rent is by quality and quantity of furniture. 5 gp rooms can sleep 4-7 people,
2 gp rooms sleep 1-2. 5 gp rooms that sleep 1-2 have rather nice furniture, usually
used by merchants. ]

P 11 costs 7 gp per night due to havng
more room and to the fireplace.

Categories South Hemisphere


P 12, P 13, P 14, and P 15 are human and half-elf rooms.
M4 is a Merchant room.

P 16 and P 17 are for dwarves.

P 18, P 19, P 20, and P 21 are for adventuring parties.

The water buckets are for fire fighting. Restrooms are outdoor privies.

Rooms: dorm room 1 and 2 at 2 cp. 20 rooms for dwarves, elves, half-elves, halflings, and humans at
2-5 gp each; suites for same folks at 10-15 gp each. Rates are per night. [ the variance
in room rent is by quality and quantity of furniture. 5 gp rooms can sleep 4-7 people,
2 gp rooms sleep 1-2. 5 gp rooms that sleep 1-2 have rather nice furniture, usually
used by merchants. ]

P 11 costs 7 gp per night due to having
more room and to the fireplace.

Categories South Hemisphere

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[ Copyright © by Jim, 1980-2050. All Rights Reserved. ]

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